General discussion

Child Boards

[-] The Wizard

[-] The Witch Doctor

[-] The Monk

[-] The Demon Hunter

[-] The Barbarian


<< < (2/18) > >>

[1] Devil is selling all his godly PvP gear! sick items a lot of #1 EU

[2] Wts a Storm Shield, rare roll, perfect dmg reduction

[3] Wts a wizzard/wd pvp blackthorne chest, vry nice roll

[4] EU/SC WTS sick Manticore

[5] [EU/SC] WTS Decent PvP/PvE Skorn

[6] [EU/SC] WTS Int BT Pants/Belt :D

[7] WTS Int ehp Ice Climbers :)

[8] Is it godly stormshield?

[9] Interesting error - pvp is coming?


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