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--- Quote from: saesa on January 01, 2013, 11:19:36 am ---Even if d3 pvp becomes somewhat balanced/playable from Blizzard (through slight skills tweaking), don't forget that there will always be 2 camps of gamers. One camp of elitists who definitely will spend hours and hours of practising and eventually become really good - for which 100 paragon is just matter of few weeks and shouldn't be capped. And then more casual players - like 90% of all who take part in duelling, who are pretty solid with paragon lvl 40, 50 for example. So as time goes on, I'm still pretty certain this will need like 2 rulesets ("leagues").
One for more casual audience, which will be even more popular I suppose, and other one for diablo hardcore nolifers.

I mean even in d2 tvt you had no chance to win some veterans while you were just rookie...expecting in d3 even bigger gaps in difference (due to the crazy items etc.)

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I'm with Saesa on this one. There is no point in going beyond level 60 in PvP but for those who wish to - go ahead. Truth is paragon levels are close to useless as they don't unlock any new items and skills, only Blizzard created an artificial way to kill people's time pointlessly.

what people whant is more important than what is logical ;) possible loss of players due to limiting char lvl to 60 (no paragon lvls) is high I guess.

Imho we shouldnt treat players according to their plv. There are people with 100lv that are not interested in pvp, while some folks are afking right now waiting for pvp because they dont feel like fsrming all day long.
But the idea of 2 rulesets is nice. Several years ago PCL introduced PCL Professional and PCL Amateur rules and the latter was pretty popular. The thing is that some good players will be more interesting in participating in Amateur leagues because of easy win.

I just don't see a problem organising tournaments / leagues for both sets of players (lvl 60 and lvl 60+).

Besides Ajantis, as you said in the case of PCL there were 2 leagues - I wasn't aware of that - what was the distinctive factor between the two?

I guess it wasn't levelling which in the case of D3 may very well be - so I don't think the argument of good players just participating in the "level 60" only league would hold true - people (no matter whether pro or casual) would take part in it for quality of life reasons.

the second league was added on later stage in PCL and AFAIK it was to attract guys who havent played in any duel league before, and wanted to start in pvp, they were taught the basics of pvp and what gear/skillset could be good for them; but later if any of them was skillful/interested in tournaments they evetually played in "normal" league

the level cap has quite low priority now, we can evetually add second type of tournaments for lvl 60 only, but thats something to think about when league will be up and running with huge players base


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