Duelling & Diablo 3 > Rules & development

D3CL PvP Rules - open discussion

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When you will post proposition for new d3cl rules?

I hope it will not require recording whole fight.

I know that rules dev team reading this topic, so I post a few bug skills that should be forbidden:
1) rend&haunt - if DH use SS he should be "immortal and invisible" for 1,5s, but rend hit no matter i'm on SS or no. Haunt is automaticly aiming on invisible DH.
2) all damage-over-time skills - all dota ignore players dodge chance (and yes - it's a bug), so this statistic for now is senseless.
3) all dota results in all players playing tank+dota+run tactics - it shouldn't be like now. It's not a fight when both players run on each other, use dota and run back. It's not a fight, it's only luck.
4) if we ban all dotas we should nerf something in DH, because we gonna be OP, but not SS because without it DH is defenseless. Maybe make limit for dyscypline? Dunno, this problem for me is impossible to solve.

I know that developing new rules is very hard, but league cannot look like now, all running dota chickens.

Maybe ban all autoaim skills?:P

Anyone tested Dh ShadowPower>Gloom in different difficulty settings yet? im not sure if there is a difficulty penalty atm, but im sure it will open up new builds for DH atleast, or any class using some kinda lifeleech

edit: just tested, its a kinda game breaker for me, vs WD atleast


--- Quote from: predsr on March 02, 2013, 16:04:37 pm ---Anyone tested Dh ShadowPower>Gloom in different difficulty settings yet? im not sure if there is a difficulty penalty atm, but im sure it will open up new builds for DH atleast, or any class using some kinda lifeleech

edit: just tested, its a kinda game breaker for me, vs WD atleast

--- End quote ---

y, but we play at inferno;p


y, but we play at inferno;p

I know, was just pointing out that any items with lifeleech on inferno is pretty much useless atm

I lock this topic: you can continue the discussion in ruleversion 1.2


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