Duelling & Diablo 3 > Rules & development

D3CL PvP Rules - open discussion

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Seeing as WDs are dominating, here are a couple of rule balancing suggestions:

- Limit number of CC's the WD can have to just 1 CC skill (no fear + hex at same time, only one of the two)
- If the WD has Spirit Walk, they can not have Spirit Vessel passive

Imo this should limit the "cat and mouse" playstyle that I found most evident with WDs

Hello everyone,

I want to note that in some encounters certain classes can reach the point of not killing eachother because of their built or their playstyle. This can easily happen with tanks, "hit and run for regen" and some other yet undiscovered builts.
We all know that players can switch their builts if they agree. But nobody will change to a built/playstyle that has no chance to defeat the opponent by his own will.

This is why I propose to implement a time limit of 10 minutes per round. If the limit is reached that round will be draw and both players must change their built. A built change is considered when you change at least 50% of your skills (actives + passives), note that changing just runes is not considered a built change.

I hope you too find this rule necessary to avoid frustrating situations and also to add a fair amount of built diversity to avoid "cookie cutter" characters that diminish the fun factor.

Thank you to for this competition and your collaboration!

time limit is something worth considering, however i'm not sure if the solution is proper, lets see what others think about it


--- Quote from: error on February 19, 2013, 00:51:36 am ---Hello everyone,

I want to note that in some encounters certain classes can reach the point of not killing eachother because of their built or their playstyle. This can easily happen with tanks, "hit and run for regen" and some other yet undiscovered builts.
We all know that players can switch their builts if they agree. But nobody will change to a built/playstyle that has no chance to defeat the opponent by his own will.

This is why I propose to implement a time limit of 10 minutes per round. If the limit is reached that round will be draw and both players must change their built. A built change is considered when you change at least 50% of your skills (actives + passives), note that changing just runes is not considered a built change.

I hope you too find this rule necessary to avoid frustrating situations and also to add a fair amount of built diversity to avoid "cookie cutter" characters that diminish the fun factor.

Thank you to for this competition and your collaboration!

--- End quote ---

or ban reg life

i agree with damx. life regen was a problem even on d2. this is unfair and unnecessarily makes duel longer.


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