Duelling & Diablo 3 > Rules & development

D3CL PvP Rules - open discussion

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--- Quote from: error on February 19, 2013, 00:51:36 am ---Hello everyone,

I want to note that in some encounters certain classes can reach the point of not killing eachother because of their built or their playstyle. This can easily happen with tanks, "hit and run for regen" and some other yet undiscovered builts.
We all know that players can switch their builts if they agree. But nobody will change to a built/playstyle that has no chance to defeat the opponent by his own will.

This is why I propose to implement a time limit of 10 minutes per round. If the limit is reached that round will be draw and both players must change their built. A built change is considered when you change at least 50% of your skills (actives + passives), note that changing just runes is not considered a built change.

I hope you too find this rule necessary to avoid frustrating situations and also to add a fair amount of built diversity to avoid "cookie cutter" characters that diminish the fun factor.

Thank you to for this competition and your collaboration!

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The tank with high regen was me  :'(
I agree about time limit, but change the 50% of the skills after a "draw" is a bit too much by my opinion, specially for a barb it's needed just to change a rune and maybe a skill.

Unfortunately situation of tank vs tank or evasive vs evasive or runner vs slow or runner vs runner makes a lot of misundertandings and "waste of time", like yesterday night.

I have a nice proposal for the new ruleset and i think it will balance some overpowered build and promote mixed playstyles and player skills:
Before to start the duel you declare what skill your opponent can't use. So for example vs a WD i will choose Hex, or people may choose to remove from a barb sprint or wotb.

the problem with reg life in d3, is that few major skills, give such bonus .. hmm, after the league ends, there can be 1-2 week trsting league that will promote new rules such as banned reg life

@herc - imo it could be good idea, but with the limitations of skills, coz ppl vs dh with choose to ban smoke screen or vs wd spirit walk :P


--- Quote from: Damx on February 19, 2013, 10:55:22 am ---the problem with reg life in d3, is that few major skills, give such bonus .. hmm, after the league ends, there can be 1-2 week trsting league that will promote new rules such as banned reg life

@herc - imo it could be good idea, but with the limitations of skills, coz ppl vs dh with choose to ban smoke screen or vs wd spirit walk :P

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Or barb sprint. why not?
Ban life regen means you ban a barb passive ( that's the only thing that makes most barb competitive ), same for DH. I don't think is fair, and maybe mantain Hex? no thanks  :o

well folliwing that, we can make a rule that will not ban barb reg skill, but ban the rest .. its to early to propose such complicated rulez imo


--- Quote from: Damx on February 19, 2013, 10:55:22 am ---the problem with reg life in d3, is that few major skills, give such bonus .. hmm, after the league ends, there can be 1-2 week trsting league that will promote new rules such as banned reg life

@herc - imo it could be good idea, but with the limitations of skills, coz ppl vs dh with choose to ban smoke screen or vs wd spirit walk :P

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I also thought about banning some skills in certain classes but I found that this isn't the right approach because -as you correctly stated- it can just make the whole class unviable.

My proposition of forcing a built change is intended to be non-restrictive. The case scenario is:
1.- You enter a duel with your standard built.
2.- No one gets ever killed.
3.- No one will change to a lesser competitive built/strategy.

Once you arrive here this is a total no/no. This undesired situation is a deadlock and has no solution, therefore it has to be draw.

From this point, the most fair scenario I came up with is to avoid the deadlock forcing a built change for both opponents. I pulled that 50% of skill (not runes) changes from my hat because it seems a guaranteed built/strategy change for any class.

Of course as HERC noted a built change can be done by just switching 1 single skill thus that 50% change would be an unnecessary overkill.

I don't personally like forbidding entire mechanics and skills for example life regen or spirit walk. Mainly because any skill can be a good way to make many builts viable and avoid "cookie cutters". Normaly it's a combination of 2-4 skills what defines a built/playstyle so we can define what builts (skill combinations) can't be repeated.

In D2 each class had very clearly defined builts, maybe we could enumerate every built by class/skills for D3 and state them for the forcefully change so we can still have interesting duels even after the change. Then we wont have to use gimped builts and will still have fun.


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