Duelling & Diablo 3 > Rules & development

D3CL PvP Rules - open discussion

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In my opinion rules should be made similar to what we had in most D2 leagues back in the day: Specific rules for all match-ups. I just don't think universal rules alone, e.g. "no life regen" or "ban skill xy", will be sufficient. They could do more harm than good. That's the kind of balancing we can expect from Blizzard (flat 30%/35% reduce *cough*), but we can certainly do better ;)
I'm sure that many knowledgable players would volunteer to test all possible match-ups.

Who would define the first build though? This could lead to players provoking a stalemate if they feel that they can't win in the current setup and that they could gain an advantage by forcing the opponent to use lesser skills. Tanky players could bluff and use weaker skills in the beginning to strip their opponents of their strong skills.

IMO pvp should have life limit and life regen limit. For now is immpossible to kill someone with 150k hp + 4k reg + 7k+armor +700 ress. To force ppl to make balanced build (dps and survival) not only survival builds we should make a hp limit for all classes and regen life limit (for example ~1-1,5k, because many times in normal items who everyone have, like Vile Ward is a bit of regen life, banning it to 0 is bad decision).

Banning specific skills is bad idea. Why? For example: in first league wd/dh are best. So you will ban SS for DH and Spirit Walk for WD, and in next league barbs/monks will be overpower, so you will ban some barb/monk skills, in next league will win wizz (for example ofc) because you banned best skills of other classes, and you will ban wizz skills. This will never end, so better method to force ppl to fight not run and regen life is to limit HP and limit regen life. (what limit? we should make a poll with proposition, 80/90/100/110/120k?)

u got a good vile ward dont u? =)


--- Quote from: GREEN2172 on February 20, 2013, 01:41:42 am ---[...]better method to force ppl to fight not run and regen life is to limit HP and limit regen life. (what limit? we should make a poll with proposition, 80/90/100/110/120k?)

--- End quote ---

yea... Trying to chase barb and monk its realy pathetic.

!!! MY !!! experience so far …

People with high AR/Armor/Life/Lreg tend to have lower DPS.
IF (!!!) these people also have high dps - why hurt them by making caps?
They earned to be better than others, cause they farmed (or RMAHed … whatever ^^) their gear.
By adding caps to some attributes - imo the harm would be more than leaving it the way it is now.
You have 2 options to „beat“ such enemies.
Adopt and be more glass-cannonish and try to strife against this massive defense,
or let the fight end in a tie – easy as that.
Just add something like a 5 minute timer for every separate round in each match – no death after this time  round would be a tie.
This would also imply that a whole game can end in 5-5.

And btw – who would monitor it, if the enemy really hast said caps? Swapping gear is pretty easy in a fight :)

I somehow like the idea of banning certain skills (or even just runes) in some matchups!
This could lead to more fighting than running :)

„Bad Manner“:
Imo if you are low on health and run around for like 20+ seconds just to regain life isnt a sign for a high skilled player. It’s abusing some skills/attributes  just fort he sake of winning. Sure winning is important, but with this behavoir  the factor „fun“ lies behind.
No clue how to stop that – maybe with class-vs-class skill bans (like mentioned before)


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