Duelling & Diablo 3 > Rules & development

D3CL PvP Rules - open discussion

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keep it coming guys - we are installing and working out the first points of input you put the discussion here!

ban pig of wd!


--- Quote from: mannercookie on February 21, 2013, 22:48:47 pm ---the rules of this league is going to cause 1 hour+ long matches by ppl going stalemate specs.

need something like this for pvp to work


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Just some small feedback for now: remember that we should try to implement rules which arent easy to avoid, which dont give a lot of space for cheaters.
So for example we can ban items switching during round, but there is no way to check if someone isnt switching his gear, especialy when its only about jewelry.
I also enjoy gear and skill setup possibilities in d3 for each duels or even specific enemy, but we also need to remember that rules should be realistic, as simple as possible and POSSIBLE TO ENFORCE...we need to remember that there will be plenty of bad mannered guys, cheaters or simply pvp noobs ;)

i vote to ban SKORN (and similar 2handers) if used with DOT's (Rend, Haunt, Exploding Palm) :)
if this thing crits (and just then - and really just with a 2hander) there's almost no chance to survive, even with the following stats:
1080 AR
6423 Armor
2949 LReg
52k HP (ok this is low)
1,15 mio eHP

from a wizz PoV ... due the fact that a DOT spell doesnt trigger Illusionist AND cant be dodged (at least ive never seen me dodging it even with 26%), theres only 2 opportunities:
- RUN to avoid another DOT (u just cant run away against WotB Barbs and TR Monks)
- Deal with it and try to kill faster (IF necessaray ... WD's spirit walk away, WotB Barbs easily run away, and TR Monks easly run away aswell)

Yesterday was a bit depressing :P
Ive played MU's where it was pretty even, until my enemies took out their skorn.
After that, the match was one sided and over in "seconds" (ok, not that fast, but i think u know what i mean ^^)

Is my Idea to "childish" and i should try to get more VIT (i should do this anyway) and adopt?
or is my concern about 2handed-DOT's realistic?

Thx and regards


--- Quote from: mannercookie on February 21, 2013, 22:48:47 pm ---This is a must-have imo, since a lot of players in d3 pvp scene now gear/spec to just try and not die and cause stalemates which honestly just ruins pvp in general.

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100% agree :)


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