Duelling & Diablo 3 > Rules & development

D3CL PvP Rules - open discussion

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Here we go again...
1. Judges CANNOT check if someone change items/1 skill during round.
2. Judges CANNOT ban some skills - if they will do it everyone must record their fights with fraps.
3. Judges CANNOT make time limit rounds - if they will do it everyone must record their fights with fraps.
4. The only way is to make hp cap limit - in normal fight you can make a screenshot in town with your enemy to see how much HP you both have, and if he will have ingame more hp->screenshot and automaticlly w/o.

4. The only way is to make hp cap limit - in normal fight you can make a screenshot in town with your enemy to see how much HP you both have, and if he will have ingame more hp->screenshot and automaticlly w/o.

thats a pretty neat idea
- screenshot of the current life before a fight
- and IF u see the life lower/higher on your enemy take a quick screenshot during the fight to see the different life.

But, call me noobish - do u see the life bar (numbers!) during a fight?

Hmm, not sure about it:D To fast fights always:D In town 100%, I always check hp of enemy to set my tactics:P If you cannot check in-game this is uncheckable too...;/


I've read all the topic and based on what I read, must say that most people except Euronymous say what the would like to see, so they can win every matchup..

I think You complicate too much guys...from Barb point of view I think that...

In Barb vs WD - barb can't use Berserker and WD can't use Hex.
In Barb vs DH - barb can't use berserker and DH can't use Legacy Natalia set.
In Barb vs Monk - barb can't use Berserker and Monk have to choose either Serenity or Near Death Experience Passive (having both in this matchup is very unbalanced, I've seen Monks going astonishing DPS that pretty much 1 shoot every Barb with every attack and still having 2 extra lifes, but this need more testing to be sure)
Barb vs Wizz - i've changed my mind. Wizz DON'T need any buff, just need to learn how to use their skills.

p.s. I agree with MannerCookie..gear swap during fight shouldn't be allowed, only rings+amulets..at this point WD is immortal..he puts tank gear to survive barbs Berserker and after 15 seconds swap to DPS gear owning Barb easly...

just this 5  simple to execute changes would make games so much more interesting and shorter!

p.s. of course Barb vs DH would work assumed that DH can't go this stupid scorpion style...bunker in turret on the island.


Why dh shound use legacy nat vs barb? U need only good timing to kill dh, WalkingTall, Vimer kill me easy, NoF3ar kill me as many times as i kill him, and i have much more expensive gear.


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