Duelling & Diablo 3 > Rules & development

D3CL PvP Rules - open discussion

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Well I can kill legacy nat dh too...but what i meant is that it would be more balanced if dh wouldnt use leg set AND barbarian would not use berserker...both this condition at the same time...if barbarian does not use berk it can still defeat legacy nat dh, but need to have right gear...comparing prices now is not good imho, cause PvP gear is still underpriced, and it will be for a while.

underpriced ?


--- Quote from: devilek666 on February 24, 2013, 17:39:09 pm ---Well I can kill legacy nat dh too...but what i meant is that it would be more balanced if dh wouldnt use leg set AND barbarian would not use berserker

--- End quote ---

Balanced? U restrict my gear(4items) and ur 1 skill. maybe no use rend?:)

dont use invincibility on barb and done!

I really think gear swapping shouldent be allowed during duels, its ok to swap between rounds. If its allowed during the fight, someone could bind macros to example equip a rep life gear or swap  2h/shield depending on range from opponent. Like a barb could use shield+wep the when he lands stun on target he swaps to 2h before using rend.


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