Duelling & Diablo 3 > Rules & development

D3CL PvP Rules - open discussion

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its all about making, a long term league .. and maybe that league will evolve into something that is worth playing .. not like now, #1pvp dummy overkill .. but it will take time, and all sugestions for now are just open minded discussion

Limiting gear is not an option because it is not the problem. The problem is the exploit of game mechanics (built-playstyle). D3 gear, classes and skills are designed and balanced one arround the other and interfering with that will bring more problems than solutions.

Let's list the problems we actually detected so far:

- Class imbalances: WDs rule and Wizzards are bad. Skill mechanics between classes are not balanced for pvp.
- Stalemates:
  - Tank vs Low DPS: one or both opponents unable to kill the other. There's no challenge here.
  - Run for Regen:
    - Cat vs Mouse: outrun and hide waiting for regeneration or big cooldowns. Lame tactics if it gets exploited.
    - Mouse vs Mouse: this situation is the natural response to Cat vs Mouse. If you don't do this you will likely lose. Lesser lame tactics.
- 1 shot encounters: Some class-builts are favored by map positioning. First round advantage is easily held until victory. Results are extremely dependant in luck.
- Gear Bait-&-Switch: Some classes have a loose skill-gear coupling and receive extreme advantage with weapon and armor switch during encounters.

If you detect any other different problem please post its definition.

Proposed solutions:
- Class imbalances: Make a win/loss matrix with all encounters data and see what class-vs-class encounters need some kind of skill/rune limitation.
- Stalemates: More than 5 minutes rounds make no sense to me. Timeout could be a solution.
  - Tank vs Low DPS: IMO this shouldn't be allowed by any means. No player should be allowed to use a pure tanking built in the first round. Referee request?
  - Run for Regen: 5 minute timeout and the "mouse" opponent should lose the round.
    - Cat vs Mouse: one opponent at any time should be able to request a recess and get the presence of a referee that will spot the mouse and control the timeout.
    - Mouse vs Mouse: this not a real problem if there's a ref.
- 1 shot encounters: As mannercookie said, encounters should end with a streak of 3 or 4 consecutive wins or the best of 30 minutes duelling.
- Gear Bait-&-Switch: this is an honestity problem. I think built and gear should be able to switch if agreed even during the encounter but both parties should come town and check for the changes. As a solution I can only imagine to make a full blues inventory trade under request.

Imo in WD vs DH wd should have banned spirit vessel. :)

As highlighted by error:

There are too many cases of stalemates (either players can't kill each other due to regen or running away to regen) and 1-hit-KO encounters (most DH vs DH match-ups I have seen).

The 1-hit-KO fights are almost solely luck based since the classes involved are usually DEX heavy and thus depend on dodge and also require critical hits (which at least can be nullified with Sharpshooter). Lastly, those fights are more of a rock-paper-scissors duel, basically each DH pops smokescreen, runs to a position, and gets ready to react and snipe the other DH in their short window of visibility. If you happen to be aiming in the correct direction you win lol.

The run away for regen fights (particularly employed by Barbarians) usually results in a stalemate unless the "cat" or ranged player overextends and chases the "mouse" too far. These fights are easily stalemated by just retreating indefinitely.

I would wait until 4v4 team play is allowed or at the very least, 2v2, since it allows balance of classes by numbers. The larger the opposing forces are, the harder it is to create an unkillable tank or run away from a large group of players.

I had an interesting duel today with a monk with pretty much top-end gear.

I really think blizzard tried to somewhat balance around BIS possible rolls on gear, so we should wait until more ppl figure out the best gearing potentials and figure out specs before starting to try and create rules for any form of competitive league.

it's just too early in the patch and pvp hasn't quite picked up yet to the point that good players are attracted to the game.

here's the clip for those interested, the second set of 10 was much less RNG dependent and felt more based off capitalizing on each other's mistakes.

clip of first set of 10 first spec from testing, http://www.twitch.tv/mannercookie/c/1960729
clip of testing specs, http://www.twitch.tv/mannercookie/c/1967567
clip of second set of 10 new spec, http://www.twitch.tv/mannercookie/c/1967615

Barbarian PVP Guides/Videos


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