!!! MY !!! experience so far …
People with high AR/Armor/Life/Lreg tend to have lower DPS.
IF (!!!) these people also have high dps - why hurt them by making caps?
They earned to be better than others, cause they farmed (or RMAHed … whatever ^^) their gear.
By adding caps to some attributes - imo the harm would be more than leaving it the way it is now.
You have 2 options to „beat“ such enemies.
Adopt and be more glass-cannonish and try to strife against this massive defense,
or let the fight end in a tie – easy as that.
Just add something like a 5 minute timer for every separate round in each match – no death after this time round would be a tie.
This would also imply that a whole game can end in 5-5.
And btw – who would monitor it, if the enemy really hast said caps? Swapping gear is pretty easy in a fight

I somehow like the idea of banning certain skills (or even just runes) in some matchups!
This could lead to more fighting than running

„Bad Manner“:
Imo if you are low on health and run around for like 20+ seconds just to regain life isnt a sign for a high skilled player. It’s abusing some skills/attributes just fort he sake of winning. Sure winning is important, but with this behavoir the factor „fun“ lies behind.
No clue how to stop that – maybe with class-vs-class skill bans (like mentioned before)