hI Green
Last week i had a battle vs DURI#2262
So far he dosent want to place the score, cuz he says he dosent remember....
Here the conversations:
yo m8. Can you please launch the score of our battle last week? Thnks Take care
Duri#2262 2013-04-07 20:52:52
Tbh i cant remember that duel. Not saying the score isnt correct but i just simply forgot. Do You have a printscreen?
lusitano#2130 2013-04-07 23:21:06
yes i got a print screen 5-2 was the score. thnks buddy
lusitano#2130 2013-04-07 23:22:14
if you wanna putt 5-4 for me is ok =) you do remember i got the victory =P cheers!
Duri#2262 2013-04-07 23:34:56
I mean I think i remember that we've dueled but cant remember the outcome... Sed me pm with this screeny plz

lusitano#2130 2013-04-08 00:05:52
you dont remeber? Dude come on....=P be fair enough you know you lost the match , was fun and fair. The print screens i take are has an safeguard, i dont send to you, but if you refuse to putt the score, i have to send to admin´s the printscreen and they will prowly ban you form the tournament,for not being fair . im not happy to do that , so please make it easy on us =). ok? Thnks and take care
lusitano#2130 2013-04-08 00:06:49
I got the 5-2 score y victorie on Print, trust me , im not a dirty player, just want to get what i diserv and what i foght for...
I would priciatte someone help me with this issue, its trully a shame that we have to deal with this situations after some fun pvp.....
Thnks for help!