Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion


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advertising is just a first step. as you have written above, we need also a judges and some 'well known' players. we're not ready to start on the us server. our system can support many leagues on one time on different realms but its not enough. we could try, but i doubt it works out. are there any other pvp leagues on us?

Wittster pointed out the why we are not at US (maybe just not yet :)), none of us is playing at other servers than EU and ppl who we know from D2 communities also played exclusively (or mainly) at Europe


--- Quote from: Mr.Mag on February 10, 2013, 23:32:14 pm ---Are there any other pvp leagues on US?

--- End quote ---

There were various relatively small-scale leagues and tournaments on the US servers back in D2 if you check out the pvp sections on d2jsp, nothing close to as well organized as the European ones though as far as I've been able to tell.

As for D3, I'm very active on the various US forums every day and haven't caught a glimpse yet of any organized pvp at all, which is why I've been working on my EU monk recently :)

i'd be willing to help advertise if you guys start a league in USA.  i understand it's a large task =)  i also believe a lot of people would be interested.  thank you! 

ok we could try :) why not. i have to do some changes in registering battletags first.


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