Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion

Finding public PvP games

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In the PTR you would easily find PvP games by joining an A1 quest on inferno. Now with 1.07 released, I haven't been able to find any pvp games at all.

I haven't played for two weeks - Have I missed something? Is no one playing PvP or is there an unwritten law regarding a certain quest/mp level or what ever where ppl pvp?

most players here play only in d3cl league or with friends so they're not searching public games. i saw some posts on official forum with 'suggested' mp lvl and quest for pvp but i doubt it is common. maybe you could try on pvp chat which is empty i guess ;)

I figured that, it's just hard trying out different strategies without public games

try to ask here on official forum. blizzard did not make life easy

Pub duels = inferno mp10 act1 q9


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