Duelling & Diablo 3 > Rules & development

Natalya legacy set

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totaly agree wd is gotten big buff. and haunt needs its hit box made small for more aimed shots.

However I got a chance to test against the dh strat I mentioned and it is still very effective vs new wd. imo the current builds you use against me and most dh use vs wd are a big mistake and you can significantly improve your chances by using better build. so suggest u experiment. after the big prize pool tourney I will make a post about pvp effective pvp strats for classes that need some help figuring it out. imo dh has potential to = wd and monk has potential to > wd.

Stop being so selfish and just post it already. You are holding back information that supposedly helps classes for months now because of some tourney with a potential prize of what, $50? Bullshit.

I think thats a big Bullshit, right Euronymous.
This would mean that all the Dh´s out there are stupid, and couldn´t figure out in thousands of duels how to deal with WD´s.

Please don't tell me the strategy is something silly like going full tank DH and kiting between Aid Station Sentries with Brooding, that is just silly. Also, I know of several interesting tactics but they don't work very effectively:

Spike Trap - Sticky Trap the dogs -> Fan of Knives. Doesn't work when the dogs have so much EHP they survive critical Fan of Knives and the WD can just dismiss the dogs and resummon them. Also, the AoE range is rather limited with a running WD.

Spike Trap - Echoing Blast with Caltrops - Torturous Ground. Requires legacy Natalya's with MASSIVE discipline, the idea is to vault into the WD, spam Smokescreen, Caltrops, and Spike Traps to keep the WD snared. Doesn't work if the WD is so tanky the DH runs out of discipline before that occurs. Furthermore, it leaves the DH open with no discipline, also the 0.5 second windows between Smokescreens can get the DH into serious trouble with Fire Bats and Spirit Barrage.

a rapid fire with a stun seems to be effective sometimes, not tested for a long time tho


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