We should make something about DH legacy vs DH non-legacy.
It's simple:
DH with non-legacy cannot hit&run like normally with other DH, because enemy have 3dysc per 1s, and we not - hit&run it's 100% death.
Only way to hit legacy DH is to rush him and try to kill before we will be out of dyscypline but... every legacy DH know that longer duel give him a BIG advantage, so what they do? Jump->run->jump->run. Non legacy DH cannot rush him, because he is running away, and if we pursuit him we will be out of dyscypline and he not:) This 2dysc/1s set bonus is OP and devs have right to remove it from game, but question is:
what we should do with it?
Because if we will not do anything every non-legacy DH can sign out of league or buy (1-2kkk) new legacy set (which is removed from the game drop!), and we cannot buy GOOD legacy set like old players have, because IT DOESN'T DROP ANYMORE...
Take some legacy DH like Lilith and non-legacy like Captain and check how they fight against other classes, if we allow legacy set we should make 2 types of different rules for DH, if not gl&hf.
EDIT: if someone want to say "go and buy legacy set nobody stop you" look at this: this legacy set is non end-game legacy set, some players have better, but we cannot buy even AVERAGE legacy set:

If you will not do anything with it only old luckers who bought this set a long time ago can fight in your league.