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Author Topic: Ruleversion 1.2  (Read 162276 times)


  • Gotrek Gurnisson
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #195 on: March 08, 2013, 16:58:43 pm »

To make it clear : i have more than 10 years of experience in Diablo 2 "legit" pvp tournaments as player, rules developer, judge, admin, winner (:P) and looser too and i assure you that without referee interference there is no way to execute "no gear swapping rules". Obviously i mean realistic ones. Ban weapons swapping? Probably easier, because its easier to catch it on ss.
Just keep realistic and try to dont bother about rules which will leave huge gap for cheaters and bm players.

I know that at this point of Diablo 3 pvp there is no way to develop balanced & simple rules for end game pvpers. There is still a lot of the pvp itself to discover and pvp gear to collect. But thanks to those draft rules, suggestions, we are gathering some great feedback and thats the most important thing. And once again: dont act childlish, atm the game is so little about "skill" and most of you are active users of varied forums & communities for so many years that shit-talk should have been long behind you, grow up and focus on what is important kkthxbye ;)


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #196 on: March 08, 2013, 17:12:06 pm »

Sorry about the last 2-3 useless topics I deleted them, I'm normally not like that.

To be back on topic,

A suggestion from Iria:

Here is a great idea on how to manage gear swapping if it is to be banned. If one player suspects another of gearswapping here is how to prevent it:

1) Both players enter into the dueling arena and if they cannot agree to no item swapping ask a moderator to join.
2) A moderator joins the game with an inventory of 29 junk items (2 slots each) and 1 junk ring/belt/amulet (1 slot). Then the moderator asks each of the players to pick up all 30 items resulting in occupying 59 slots (leaving one for potions).
3) If a player cannot pick up all the items, they will be asked to dump excess items into their storage and try again. When a player has shown they can pick up all the items, they drop them again.
4) Once both players pass this test, one can be sure both players have a fully empty inventory (with potion allowed).
5) This test can be repeated between duels if either player exits the arena.

While this is time-consuming, it is a 100% effective way to prevent gear swapping.

This could be a good start.

Note that gear swapping is only a problem vs Barbarians due to the class mechanics.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 17:23:08 pm by Blud »


  • Iskatu
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #197 on: March 08, 2013, 18:35:35 pm »

Played against a high-end zero dog WD yesterday. The matches were pretty even although I should have used Marked for Death instead of Boar and the Hail of Knives rune and maybe then I could have tipped the luck in my favor lol. I think if you remove dogs altogether, some WD will get really pissed as they revolve around this skill!


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #198 on: March 08, 2013, 18:55:35 pm »

Yes, I think removing dogs entirely is a mistake.

However, it is true that pets are really powerful versus DHs, so I was thinking about this as a possibility:

-No 4 dogs passive
-Either dogs or Garnatua, not both.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #199 on: March 08, 2013, 19:16:54 pm »

devoted duel to catch blud when he swapped gear ;)  No offence but this guy still talking about it and can swap all gear in 2-3 sek ( maybe makro )  :D

before berseker

after berseker


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #200 on: March 08, 2013, 19:35:40 pm »

My post from 28th of february. My point is "ban gear switching because it forces me to do it too or I'm fucked."

HI there guys,

I just wanted to provide a couple of suggestions that could be implemented, if not now, in the next season.

1) Prohibit gear switching. It's so lame in my opinion. Players should come up with a spec & gear set vs each class, and not change during combat depending on the situation. Most barbs switch gear versus me and if I don't switch gear, then I'm screwed.

2) Punishment to players no accepting challenges. If after let's say one week, a challenge hasn't been done, and there's evidence that one part was trying to carry it out, there should be a penalisation to the other part, like the double of the amount of points he would have lost/won if the challenge was conducted. As Euronymous had posted, the ones who are more active will be first, not the ones with better win/losss ratio.

Just that. Thank you very much for the awesome job you guys are doing, and just take what I say as feedback, not as whining xD. d3cl is awesome!!!!


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #201 on: March 08, 2013, 19:39:41 pm »

Gear swapping needs to go away permanently

it should be an automatic loss if you swap gear. I can buy cheap stuff that costs <10mil gold together and if I use them to swap w/ macros, nobody of any class, any gear will ever kill me... I think it's really important to not allow it for any class

This one barb I dueled here on D3CL went MASS eHP/regen gear when he was defensive, and then he consistently swapped in and out with a crit/dps/skorn gearset. Things like this will just become worse if you allow it, and I don't even want to mention what would happen if an actually good player swapped... you just can't lose
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 19:42:41 pm by MysticaL »


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #202 on: March 08, 2013, 19:43:30 pm »

Exactly! I totally agree with Mystical.

But at the moment there's a league going on, and there's no rules whatsoever about switching gear. So most barbarians are doing it versus me. Since the beginning of the league... Vimer was the first barb that supported gear swapping, he even said in our first duel "gear swapping is player skill, you need to be fast".

So, unless I prefer to lose, I am forced to do gear swapping. Unless both parts agree before duel on not to swap.


  • Iskatu
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #203 on: March 08, 2013, 20:56:53 pm »

All I say is make gear swap rules cause this just brake duels...Even if it comes to weapon + shield would be a great start...believe me, top players 'feel' when it happens and can make screenshots, it's easy to spot.


  • Gotrek Gurnisson
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #204 on: March 08, 2013, 21:07:40 pm »

Well, imo we could try with banning weapons swap.


  • Iskatu
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #205 on: March 08, 2013, 21:21:47 pm »

Mojo, Quiver, Orb and shield You consider as weapon ofc?


  • Iskatu
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #206 on: March 08, 2013, 21:22:43 pm »

Here is a great idea on how to manage gear swapping if it is to be banned. If one player suspects another of gearswapping here is how to prevent it:

1) Both players enter into the dueling arena and if they cannot agree to no item swapping ask a moderator to join.
2) A moderator joins the game with an inventory of 29 junk items (2 slots each) and 1 junk ring/belt/amulet (1 slot). Then the moderator asks each of the players to pick up all 30 items resulting in occupying 59 slots (leaving one for potions).
3) If a player cannot pick up all the items, they will be asked to dump excess items into their storage and try again. When a player has shown they can pick up all the items, they drop them again.
4) Once both players pass this test, one can be sure both players have a fully empty inventory (with potion allowed).
5) This test can be repeated between duels if either player exits the arena.

While this is time-consuming, it is a 100% effective way to prevent gear swapping.

Above is a quote of mine (to save the time in rewriting) which outlines a measure to prevent gear swapping in battles. I agree with Mystical and Blud that this needs to stop, I know which Barb Mystical is referring to and if I get challenged by said individual I will call for a judge for the match.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #207 on: March 08, 2013, 21:24:30 pm »

I just lost to Iownyou and it was the most stupid duel ever. The guy just literally swaps to all EHP gear when he's out of berserker and he doesnt even bother to attack me for 2 minutes. Just run, run, run like the wind. Twice I killed him when he was changing gear in a corner.... Oh come on, you guys say you have 10 years experience in PvP and you allow these things xD.

Of course I swapped gear too, otherwise I wouldn't have won 4 duels out of 5... but it has to be banned. And it has to be banned now, it's a simple update. Weapon and shield/2hander cannot be swapped during combat, or something like this.

It benefits barbarians clearly, because they can manage to go around with 20k dps + battle rage + wotb + crits with hota.

You also mentioned "prohibitting passive behaviours in duels". So running around for 120secs, sometimes even more than 5 minutes because I don't allow him to change gear, should be looked at too.

I think this is clearly the most urgent thing you guys should handle.


  • Zagraal
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #208 on: March 08, 2013, 21:31:54 pm »

is d2 u could swap gear using the second set (weapons + shield etc.).

Why u need ban it here? If someone change the gear... change it too. I dont like it.. but guys, u cant prove that.


  • Kabraxis
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #209 on: March 08, 2013, 21:45:35 pm »

We should make something about DH legacy vs DH non-legacy.
It's simple:
DH with non-legacy cannot hit&run like normally with other DH, because enemy have 3dysc per 1s, and we not - hit&run it's 100% death.
Only way to hit legacy DH is to rush him and try to kill before we will be out of dyscypline but... every legacy DH know that longer duel give him a BIG advantage, so what they do? Jump->run->jump->run. Non legacy DH cannot rush him, because he is running away, and if we pursuit him we will be out of dyscypline and he not:) This 2dysc/1s set bonus is OP and devs have right to remove it from game, but question is:
what we should do with it?
Because if we will not do anything every non-legacy DH can sign out of league or buy (1-2kkk) new legacy set (which is removed from the game drop!), and we cannot buy GOOD legacy set like old players have, because IT DOESN'T DROP ANYMORE...
Take some legacy DH like Lilith and non-legacy like Captain and check how they fight against other classes, if we allow legacy set we should make 2 types of different rules for DH, if not gl&hf.

EDIT: if someone want to say "go and buy legacy set nobody stop you" look at this: this legacy set is non end-game legacy set, some players have better, but we cannot buy even AVERAGE legacy set: http://eu.battle.net/d3/pl/profile/Uzjel33-2804/hero/16920624

If you will not do anything with it only old luckers who bought this set a long time ago can fight in your league.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 22:12:19 pm by GREEN2172 »
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