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Author Topic: Ruleversion 1.2  (Read 162256 times)


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #225 on: March 09, 2013, 11:12:24 am »

Make sure they blue items also ^^


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #226 on: March 09, 2013, 11:15:34 am »

Anyone have an opinion on my method of preventing gear swap? By making the other player hold 59 spaces worth of junk, they cant gear swap. Just have both players prove to each other that they aren't holding anything while in the arena.

I like this idea, I think this could be useful, they can just exchange an inventory of 59 slots with you every time before you say "go" --> you remove 59 slots --> your opponent adds 59 slots --> implies both players have no items in inventory except pot, then start the duel without either one TPing to town lol

It's probably annoying to do before each duel, but it also works

Its greatly annoying.

@Euro, maybe youre right and the risk of getting banned from the league will be enough to make ppl not to swap their gear.


  • Iskatu
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #227 on: March 09, 2013, 11:35:40 am »

Yeah, banning swap of items and from league if someone get caught is actually a great idea.

Maybe it will be hard to detec with armor peaces, but anyway, players will record their fights and might analyze hp of other players, or taking screenshots...What I mean, admins should just set this rules and don't worry if it's detectale or not..Believe me, people are creative and they will find a way to proove it when it happens.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #228 on: March 09, 2013, 13:02:20 pm »

I was and still am suspect to the no swap gear cause of the huge amount of work that follows with it for judges, all the in game huzzle for players it creates and also that it might not even be a good idea.

But two things, 1) if most people seem to really wanna try it I guess its giving it a shot, and 2) like you guys say the risk of getting banned is enough for people to behave :D (I know from experience that people wont though but it might lower the abuse to a point that its at least possible to deal with)

Also, the rule about activitity is just like in d2 and works on the same premisses at the swap rule - namely that the rule itself and the risk of getting banned /losing the duel will make people follow it. Problem in d3 is that temporarly hiding for replenish and cooldowns is part of the game and would for sure be called camping / non-active in d2.

In my opinion its still worth giving it a shot even if it has to be with some retarded ~30 second timer. This rule is partly to prevent the 2 minute wotb hiding, but honestly also for the future where we might have patches with bigger open fields. Believe it or not, some people go full retard in pvp and put on 100% m/s eq and just run around at for example 40 radius distance when their hit radius is 25.

The activity rule is also something that adress the 100% ehp eq for 2 minute cooldown swaps. With a rule like that you´re not allowed to hide with 15 mil ehp for 2 minutes and to get people to follow it is alot easier than some might think.

But dunno, maybe its worth giving the swap rule a shot and see if we get a better situation. Worst case scenario is that none of us likes it and we just take it away.

Also, its getting close to end date for 1.2 rules as I see it, so Devil and Vimer and Mannercookie from barb side - post your final suggestions + a very short reason for barb rules for 1.2.
Example -
barb vs wiz
- barb is allowed to use 1 stun skill only
- barb cannot wear a shield

reason: Barb needs to take more dmg vs wiz, and barb is completly OP with 3 stun skills since wiz only got 1 counter. Or something like that ;D


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #229 on: March 09, 2013, 13:51:18 pm »

Imo we need to think also a way to prevent inspect/go down in arena tp town swap spec come down in arena say go..

or go to inspect again in arena than go back town.. and so on...

We all know  who is doing this more than all.. but this rule is not for him only...

Best solution comes form Euro propose:
Say go in town and than go down if sm1 tp back lose the match
and this resolve also the problem of "who start where" cose for ranged duels all want bottom left corner..


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #230 on: March 11, 2013, 15:09:54 pm »

Any changes in rules from main post?


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #231 on: March 11, 2013, 16:05:26 pm »

Dont think so.. i read in another part of forum that there might be some new ones today tho


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #232 on: March 11, 2013, 21:56:53 pm »

Make it illegal to use invis dye... hard to see MONK serenity


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #233 on: March 11, 2013, 22:16:02 pm »

I want to ask few questions before I say my two cents regarding the new rules. I am sure that many people like me were waiting for the first season to finish for the new rules. I don’t know if they question which I have were asked but here they are. (I have read only the first 10 pages of the topic.)

1) For me it is extremely important to know what will be done with the bonus/reduce from elite “bug” be done? I am pretty sure that blizzard will not fix that nonsense that heroes are elites and what I was thinking is that the old D2 rule is suitably here. I am sure that all high end D2 players remember that in PvP mode it was allowed to have only 1 item to absorb damage or in other words - 1 raven or dwarf or wisp. I think that it is appropriate in D3 that we have 1 item for bonus vs. elites and 1 item for damage reduce from elites. In this way there we be much more variety and item choice and from that some of the new rules will be useless and there will be no need of such high restrictions on some chars like WD.

2) Regarding Near Death Experience & Spirit Vessel I want to ask if a players kill a monk or a doctor with that passive were they granted 2 points? (For obvious reason a players die 2 times so 2 points must be given for the winner.)

3) Is the old D2 rule of no potions active in PvP mode for D3?

Regarding the new rules which I was waiting:

1) Regarding “The Demon Hunter is not allowed to play the “bunker – style”. This style is defined by laying “Turrets and/or “Spike Traps” and not coming out from the range of these traps.” how is that defined?

Simple example – If I play agents such style barb who only rend and moves and don’t use any active skills at all I as a DH will not move outside my bubble because of the poor style of the barb. Why should the DH be penalized for that? Overall I don’t have a problem with such type of players because of the high life regen compensation from the skill but now I will receive a game loss because of that.

Second example – Against WD. When the doctor has used haunt for sure I will not move outside the bubble because that’s the reason for me to use that skill so that I can reduces the doctor effect of that skill.
I can give more examples but how that rule will be defined at all because based on the situation both sides can have their deferent point of view (just to clarify a DH which is using only turret no traps)?

2) Regarding “In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Companion” with the rune “Boar” is not allowed.” That’s pointless, a high end player already have 700-900 to all. That rule is for players with bad items which can lose an important skill for those 15% bonus. Such rule is against the overall balance.

3) Regarding “In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Preparation” with rune “Battle Scars” is not allowed.” Yet again a pointless rule…  We need Blizzard to fix the mage not such type of rules…

For sure the DH needs nerfs, not some illogical restrictions.

4) Regarding “In a mirror match Barbarians cannot use a shield.” I am sure that’s some kind of joke especially in a mirror match… Both sides must be able to choose whatever style they wish. Such rule is not towards balance for sure.

5) Regarding “In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” and “Witch Doctor” the passive skill “Inspiring presence” is not allowed” If the “bug” with bonus/reduce from elites is removed this is yet again against balance.

Also I don’t see exact explanation regarding skill selection before duel. The obvious choice is that the judge tells each player before the duel there class only and both players enter the chapel with their first choice of skill selection, no skill change before the end of first round.

Hmm already my post is too long and would like to see some answers.


  • Gotrek Gurnisson
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #234 on: March 11, 2013, 22:30:12 pm »

Ad 1)

We all have in mind those absorb rules, but its a bit different. With few absorbs and some outstanding res it was simply IMPOSSIBLE to die from elemental chars. Right now we cant afford creating rules which will make players to buy totally different items for our D3CL league. Why? Because there are still too few players and im sure that with such rules many will just leave us and search for something easier to obey. But this might be a topic in the future.

Ad 2) Technically, hes not dying, there is no message in chat log about dying - so no.

Ad 3) No, because due to life regen and some other skills and cooldown on potions - its not that imba as it was in d2 and potion abusing is not possible.

About new rules or, to bo more precise, some draft rules we have posted.

Ad 4) This was proposed due to the fact that we had situations were two barbs couldnt kill each other because they both were using shields and were simply too tanky. But it wont be in final version.

Ad 5) Inspiring presence ban also wont be in final version, because it would be very difficult for some barbs - they would need to rebuild their characters and buy as many items with life regen as possible. We have some other solution.


  • Iskatu
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #235 on: March 11, 2013, 22:34:53 pm »

I want to ask few questions before I say my two cents regarding the new rules. I am sure that many people like me were waiting for the first season to finish for the new rules. I don’t know if they question which I have were asked but here they are. (I have read only the first 10 pages of the topic.)

1) For me it is extremely important to know what will be done with the bonus/reduce from elite “bug” be done? I am pretty sure that blizzard will not fix that nonsense that heroes are elites and what I was thinking is that the old D2 rule is suitably here. I am sure that all high end D2 players remember that in PvP mode it was allowed to have only 1 item to absorb damage or in other words - 1 raven or dwarf or wisp. I think that it is appropriate in D3 that we have 1 item for bonus vs. elites and 1 item for damage reduce from elites. In this way there we be much more variety and item choice and from that some of the new rules will be useless and there will be no need of such high restrictions on some chars like WD.

2) Regarding Near Death Experience & Spirit Vessel I want to ask if a players kill a monk or a doctor with that passive were they granted 2 points? (For obvious reason a players die 2 times so 2 points must be given for the winner.)

3) Is the old D2 rule of no potions active in PvP mode for D3?

Regarding the new rules which I was waiting:

1) Regarding “The Demon Hunter is not allowed to play the “bunker – style”. This style is defined by laying “Turrets and/or “Spike Traps” and not coming out from the range of these traps.” how is that defined?

Simple example – If I play agents such style barb who only rend and moves and don’t use any active skills at all I as a DH will not move outside my bubble because of the poor style of the barb. Why should the DH be penalized for that? Overall I don’t have a problem with such type of players because of the high life regen compensation from the skill but now I will receive a game loss because of that.

Second example – Against WD. When the doctor has used haunt for sure I will not move outside the bubble because that’s the reason for me to use that skill so that I can reduces the doctor effect of that skill.
I can give more examples but how that rule will be defined at all because based on the situation both sides can have their deferent point of view (just to clarify a DH which is using only turret no traps)?

2) Regarding “In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Companion” with the rune “Boar” is not allowed.” That’s pointless, a high end player already have 700-900 to all. That rule is for players with bad items which can lose an important skill for those 15% bonus. Such rule is against the overall balance.

3) Regarding “In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Preparation” with rune “Battle Scars” is not allowed.” Yet again a pointless rule…  We need Blizzard to fix the mage not such type of rules…

For sure the DH needs nerfs, not some illogical restrictions.

4) Regarding “In a mirror match Barbarians cannot use a shield.” I am sure that’s some kind of joke especially in a mirror match… Both sides must be able to choose whatever style they wish. Such rule is not towards balance for sure.

5) Regarding “In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” and “Witch Doctor” the passive skill “Inspiring presence” is not allowed” If the “bug” with bonus/reduce from elites is removed this is yet again against balance.

Also I don’t see exact explanation regarding skill selection before duel. The obvious choice is that the judge tells each player before the duel there class only and both players enter the chapel with their first choice of skill selection, no skill change before the end of first round.

Hmm already my post is too long and would like to see some answers.

1.  How is this a bug in any way?  It has been intentional from the very start of the game that players count as elites, according to one of the gargantuan runes.  Since every class has access to SoJ, I don't see a problem here at all.  DHs and monks depend on SoJ greatly to boost their resource pools.  Monks can't really generate spirit through attacking in PvP.  If I couldn't use SoJ on my monk, there would be almost no point in dueling because I would lose way, way too much spirit regen and damage.
2.  This is nonsense.  NDE simply gives 35% more EHP.  Spirit vessel gives invul + 15% EHP.  Should we also make barbs who take an armor passive worth 2 points too, since that increases their EHP as well?
3.  Potions have a cooldown and add gear diversity.  There will be a rule to prevent gear swapping so you won't be able to abuse it with gear swapping +globe healing.  But I agree that it can sometimes be overwhelming in high amounts.  Perhaps a rule that only allows one +globe healing piece?

1.  It's a very loose definition that is obviously being worked on right now.  I can understand the idea behind it but execution will be difficult.
2.  It's because the boar can absorb storm armor procs which is the biggest source of the wizard's damage in addition to making the DH much tankier.  Banning skills should be the last option, but here I believe it is appropriate because wizards have a hard time as it is.
3.  No real opinion on this one.
4.  I think this is to prevent stalemates.  Maybe make it so that shields are allowed only if both agree to it beforehand?
5.  This is to prevent lingering stalemates once again, because barbs have so much mobility.  They can kite around the map forever until they get to full hp.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #236 on: March 11, 2013, 22:41:05 pm »

2) Regarding Near Death Experience & Spirit Vessel I want to ask if a players kill a monk or a doctor with that passive were they granted 2 points? (For obvious reason a players die 2 times so 2 points must be given for the winner.)

Stopped reading here.



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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #237 on: March 11, 2013, 22:56:56 pm »

These rules you read here are a draft. They aren't final yet. I will make them final on 12 march. We will take input to edit the final rules up until 11 march 23.59.

So about 1 hour left! My only overall grievances are regarding super-super tanky characters or those partially tanky characters with massive life regeneration. The play style goes with this as well: all barbs now just rend and run, rend and run. They lack creativity and just flee from the action until they are at high hp again. The only countermeasure to this is to have a similar amount of life regeneration which effectively resets the duel every time they run, which of course yields a stalemate, which of course defeats the purpose of PVP, and lastly will discourage players from playing.

I prefer duels where both players can be killed by the other, even if they are 1-hit-KOs. I detest duels where one side can't kill the other due to massive life regeneration and fleeing. I think the most immediate fix to all these problems is to simply abolish the PVP system for 1v1s and just go with 2v2 only. The nature of 2v2 with friendly fire will cover a lot if not all of the current imbalances in the PVP league. If team styles pose a problem (e.g. double DH), the rules can maybe limit teams to no more than one of any class per team.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #238 on: March 11, 2013, 22:59:50 pm »

Except nobody would ever want to team up with a wizard or witch doctor. 


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #239 on: March 11, 2013, 23:05:49 pm »

I can play with wiz in same team but without storm armor^^
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