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Author Topic: Ruleversion 1.2  (Read 162260 times)


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Ruleversion 1.2
« on: March 04, 2013, 17:42:14 pm »

Hey guys, we present you in this topic the ruleversion 1.2 for the coming rule season.
First of all I'd like to thank the ruledevelopers (Darke, Jointit, Keen, Captain, Kaio, Rogh and Alexwitt) for their input and testing. We have also read through the public discussion and taken some ideas/points from there.

These rules you read here are a draft. They aren't final yet. I will make them final on 12 march. We will take input to edit the final rules up until 11 march 23.59.

Some points which are yet under discussion are:
- Haunt and the relative strenght of WD; we have implemented some rules regarding WD but we aren't completely sure yet. Additional testing will be done so we can take these findings for the final 1.2 version.
- Taking up the rules regarding walkovers / some sort of description - explanation of the procedure into ruleversion 1.2
- DH vs Wizard duel is still up for revision aswell.

What else? We would like to see your (constructive) feedback (this means explanations) on the rules. We haven't banned any items and try to get balance by not allowing certain skills in certain match ups. You probably see a huge buff to the Wizard class. We felt this was needed.

Here we go:

The first and foremost goal we try to achieve is having a user-friendly environment in which you have good and quality duels with like minded people. Other goals are having fun and exploiting the competitive aspect of the game. To ensure this we expect every participant to behave properly and apply the following duelling rules during D3CL duels.

If a problem (a disagreement over the rules, someone entering town without accepting the round loss) occurs we expect you to work it out together. If that doesn’t work out you can request an official D3CL judge. Please notice that the decision a judge makes is leading and you have to accept it. Judges cannot judge themselves.

General Rules:

-   Duels are held in the “Scorched Chapel” area accessed via an act one game.
-   Duels are held in “Inferno” modus.
-   The duel only starts when both sides have said go.
-   The small island inside the scorched chapel area is forbidden ground. Actively using this island will result in loss of rounds and/or the complete match.
-   You cannot enter town or leave the game during a round, if that happens the person who enters town or leaves the game looses the round.
-   We expect the duels to be active combat. Repeatingly avoiding the duel will result in a loss.

-   Duels are played with best of 9.
-   Round(s) resulting in a draw count as +1 round for both sides. (f.e. 2-3 become 3-4). If draws put you past 9 rounds you continue until there is a winner (it will count as 5-4 win).
-   You must play your duels using the character you signed up with for the League or Tournament.

Class specific rules:

-   In a mirror match Barbarians cannot use a shield.
-   The Barbarian cannot use the skill “Wrath of the Berserker” versus the Wizard, Monk and Witch-Doctor.
-   In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” and “Witch Doctor” the passive skill “Inspiring presence” is not allowed
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the rune “Marathon” from the skill “Sprint” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the Barbarian can choose one, but not more of the following skills: “Ground Stomp”, “Leap” with rune “Death from Above”, “Charge” with rune “Bull Rush”, “Bash” with rune “Clobber” or “Weapon Throw” with rune “Throwing Hammer”.

Demon Hunter
-   The Demon Hunter is not allowed to play the “bunker – style”. This style is defined by laying “Turrets and/or “Spike Traps” and not coming out from the range of these traps.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Companion” with the rune “Boar” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Preparation” with rune “Battle Scars” is not allowed.

-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Cyclone Strike” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the rune “Flying Side Kick” from the skill “Dashing Strike” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Barbarian” the Monk can use either the active skill “Serenity” or the passive skill “Near Death Experience” but not both.

Witch Doctor
-   The Witch Doctor must choose either “Hex” or “Horrify” but not both.
-   The Witch Doctor is only allowed to wield a shield in mirror matches.
-   The Witch Doctor can use either “Spirit Walk” or “Spirit Vessel” but not both.
-   In duels versus the “Barbarian” the skill “Hex” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” the Witch Doctor is not allowed to use “Summon Zombie Dogs” or “Gargantuan”.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Spirit Walk” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the Witch Doctor is not allowed to use “Spirit Walk”, “Summon Zombie Dogs” or “Gargantuan”.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 17:58:55 pm by Spirals »
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Highered the stakes when we bought this monster life
Prevail by daring to fail, others content just to sail
Hail the future we bring.


  • Kabraxis
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2013, 18:28:15 pm »

Very good rules for me, but I see some problems:
1. DH: "In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Preparation” with rune “Battle Scars” is not allowed." A lot of wizards kill me with 1-2 hits from Storm Armor ( I have 99k hp), and we cannot hit them from close range because of it without Battle Scars, so this rule with result in spamming autoaim arrows from looong distance. It's not a good idea, good wizard can now easily kill good dh, for example kaio and divalo (or delivio?) playing very good and use strange tactics.
2. "In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” the Witch Doctor is not allowed to use “Summon Zombie Dogs” or “Gargantuan”.
It shoud be "to use “Summon Zombie Dogs” AND “Gargantuan" or only ban zombie dogs. This rule now make no change, because it's immpossible to kill WD with 2x near death skills with invisible + zombi dogs who spam autoaim massacre DPS Haunt;) If they will not have zombie dogs they gonna wear more armor/ress/hp and less DPS and then fight should be equal. If zombie dogs will stay then nothing in fight against WD will change. DH cannot attack from long distance with any autoaim skills or normal, because everything is taking by dogs, and WD can attack us from long distance, better then screen resolution with Haunt. So now situation is simply: we MUST stay face to face with WD because of his dogs, and he can attack us everywhere with autoaim 500%+dps skills;) I losed with some "trash" geared WD only because their skills, without zombi dogs only good WD can still win, not all specially for PvP made WD with paragon 0 and trash items.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2013, 18:42:05 pm »

1. DH: "In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Preparation” with rune “Battle Scars” is not allowed." A lot of wizards kill me with 1-2 hits from Storm Armor ( I have 99k hp), and we cannot hit them from close range because of it without Battle Scars, so this rule with result in spamming autoaim arrows from looong distance. It's not a good idea, good wizard can now easily kill good dh, for example kaio and divalo (or delivio?) playing very good and use strange tactics.

there are really alot of dh that can one shot me even with those bans..

Captain 1shot me coming close in a sec for exemple

McP easy beat me too.
Maybe it's a metter of skills and right builds...
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 18:43:36 pm by kaio »


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2013, 18:48:16 pm »

I will fight some WD´s today, so what is it exactly now in DH vs WD?

No "Zombiedogs" and no "Gargantuan"? Or "Zombiedogs or Gargantuan"?
If they got the choice, then i totaly agree with Green it´s very hard to deal with.


  • Kabraxis
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2013, 18:49:45 pm »

I will fight some WD´s today, so what is it exactly now in DH vs WD?

This rules will be in season 2 of league, not now. And this is proposition for now only.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2013, 18:52:31 pm »

"The Witch Doctor is only allowed to wield a shield in mirror matches."
So shield is not allowed vs dhs. banning all pets its too much then.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2013, 18:54:06 pm »

Good rules but:

I will fight some WD´s today, so what is it exactly now in DH vs WD?

No "Zombiedogs" and no "Gargantuan"? Or "Zombiedogs or Gargantuan"?
If they got the choice, then i totaly agree with Green it´s very hard to deal with.

They never use gargantua lol, so what is the restriction?


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2013, 18:56:48 pm »

there are really alot of dh that can one shot me even with those bans..

Captain 1shot me coming close in a sec for exemple

McP easy beat me too.
Maybe it's a metter of skills and right builds...

No, it's a metter of luck. Every DH can put max CD (100% amu, 50% ring + 50% ring + 50% arms + 300% manti + 50% belt + 50% passive skill= 650% CD) + sharpshooter and it will be luck that he will shoot you and kill first OR your storm armor will hit and not miss first. I play vs wizz with my normall pvp eq, so my fights against wizzards was interesting, but now I will have not option but only to make max CD with SS and kill with 1 shot. It gonna be very luck-based fights.

But this is not a problem, I know that wizzards are weaker now in league so they must get buff, but dogs in WD IS a real problem.

@keen: "So shield is not allowed vs dhs. banning all pets its too much then."
If you will have only Gargantuan it gonna be okay for all I think, but if you have 4 dogs and gargantuan and you stand behind them with 2 near death skills spamming 500%+ autoaim skill it's almost immossible to kill you (specially all WD wear 130+k hp). Your haunt can kill DH in 0,5s between SS, and we need min. 5-10 seconds to kill you;)
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 19:00:41 pm by GREEN2172 »


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2013, 19:01:40 pm »

Good rules but:

I will fight some WD´s today, so what is it exactly now in DH vs WD?

No "Zombiedogs" and no "Gargantuan"? Or "Zombiedogs or Gargantuan"?
If they got the choice, then i totaly agree with Green it´s very hard to deal with.

They never use gargantua lol, so what is the restriction?
What is the restriction ?
1 no shield
2 only spirit vessel passive(2nd live) or spirit walk allowed
3 only hex or horrify(fear) allowed

hex and horrify didnt make anything on DH, our SS cancel it, so its no nerf. Dogs are skill that make WD so OP class.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2013, 19:04:47 pm »

Good rules but:

I will fight some WD´s today, so what is it exactly now in DH vs WD?

No "Zombiedogs" and no "Gargantuan"? Or "Zombiedogs or Gargantuan"?
If they got the choice, then i totaly agree with Green it´s very hard to deal with.

They never use gargantua lol, so what is the restriction?
What is the restriction ?
1 no shield
2 only spirit vessel passive(2nd live) or spirit walk allowed
3 only hex or horrify(fear) allowed

hex and horrify didnt make anything on DH, our SS cancel it, so its no nerf. Dogs are skill that make WD so OP class.
1 horrify after use gives 100% armor for 8 secs.
2 shield > pets vs dh.
3 hex or horrify force dh to use ss so they loss discipline


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2013, 19:08:03 pm »

there will be "AND" for sure, "not' is a mistake


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2013, 19:09:26 pm »

It's nice to see the first version of a solid approach to balance class matching.
I just wanted to note that in DH vs Wiz matches applying both limitations at the same time seems a bit too much:
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Companion” with the rune “Boar” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Preparation” with rune “Battle Scars” is not allowed.

There wouldn't be any problem if wizzards had Storm Armor banned. I'd love you to try this built against a no pig/no healing DH vs a Wiz using:
- Big fat Skorn
- Storm Armor:Thunder Storm
- Mirror Images:Duplicates
- Teleport:Wormhole


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2013, 19:10:01 pm »

banning both pets and shield is too much vs dh (remember that only spirit vessel is allowed or spirit walk so no second live). it has been tested
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 19:34:29 pm by Keen »


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2013, 19:19:54 pm »

It's nice to see the first version of a solid approach to balance class matching.
I just wanted to note that in DH vs Wiz matches applying both limitations at the same time seems a bit too much:
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Companion” with the rune “Boar” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Preparation” with rune “Battle Scars” is not allowed.

There wouldn't be any problem if wizzards had Storm Armor banned. I'd love you to try this built against a no pig/no healing DH vs a Wiz using:
- Big fat Skorn
- Storm Armor:Thunder Storm
- Mirror Images:Duplicates
- Teleport:Wormhole

I'v got that build (not skorn but got a really decent dps as u can check...) and tested it and still no problems for dh similar geared to pown me


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2013, 19:47:32 pm »

  In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” and “Witch Doctor” the passive skill “Inspiring presence” is not allowed
I am sorry but this is not good idea. Maybe the top barbs with end game gear can allowed this, but for medium geared this means giving the duel into the hands of the DH and WD. I will no longer could fight dh that outgear me. Example - End game geared Dh with Legacy natalia - he has like endless discipline resourse. Its hard to be outruned, its hard to be killed while his discipline is full ( becous of smoke screen). He just spam vault (with rune that gives him reduction disc cost) and run run and run over the map. How i could hunt him if i will not be able to regen life? He comes stun, then 2-3 impales, then he starts to run and run. Or i jump into him, i rend him, then he stuns, impale impale, run run. I start to hun hunt. The focus here is resourse and life. And when he is on low life, he just use his Preparation with heal. How i will return my life? Maybe Dh vs Barbs are like balanced fights. And more, how barbs with no mega gear gonna fight dh that has like 300k dps unbuffed (not old nata) and like 70-80k life with 600-800 resist? If you not allow Inspiring pressence then maybe you should not alow to be used preparation with 60% life return. And maybe ban legacy nata.
As to fight with WD, dont know really. We already got Wotb banned, and he got hex banned. Maybe that is enough, or maybe Inspiring pressence is not needed. That has to be test it.
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