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Author Topic: Ruleversion 1.2  (Read 162325 times)


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #180 on: March 07, 2013, 21:30:27 pm »

Hi d3cl. Im a barb and only been playing barb ever since back last summer just a few weeks after game release.
My opinions about pvp regulations regarding barbs vs other chars:

Im happy u trying to get wizard back havent seen many around so cant rly say anything about the changes.

Dh has seemed to be pretty hopeless against us so i like the change with no hp reg.

Monks burst dmg is a little to high i think in this matchup. Try fix this.

Wds its a dumb fight overall they just transforms barbs into a stone, but they cant kill barb, but the barb rarely ever able to hit wd and even if he does it missess a majority of the time. I dont know if taking wrath away is good. They have to many imparing effects. Its still a 120 sec cooldown and a gamble to catch wds who can turn invisible for a few sec and should be able to avoid those 15sec of insanity. Are u suggesting we are forced to go a shit ton of -imparing effect without able to use inspiring presence which is kinda core skill for the whole hp build. I dont feel like wds are hopeless against babas atm. I think removing inspiring either presence or wotb would be an option.

There is a big problem with mobility imbalance overall in my opinion. Its highlighted in every fight. Sprint + unforgiving is almost a must vs some build or chars. (sprint to strong?) In terms of electronic sports which are played competitively mobility and positioning always play a huge roll (rts-games,rpg-games,fps-games). Since the pvp map is poorly designed in d3 its pretty hard to get any positional advantaged so it means mobility has to be perectly balanced. I dont know honestly what d3cl can do about this, but I think its important for you to take into consideration when u trying to balance.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #181 on: March 07, 2013, 22:48:38 pm »

In barb vs there is no need to change only sprint issuper anoying to catch each other. A good 2 hander cuts through a sheild barb anyway i dont feel the necessary change here. Especially if u dont go skorn but a good 2handed rare mace bacause of more raw weapon dmg.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #182 on: March 08, 2013, 05:53:12 am »

First off, I haven't seen a single EHP calc that calculates it properly for barbs @ PVP, maybe for other classes? If you have one that works, please show me because I have yet to see a calculator that plugs in all variables. Even if it were to plug everything in, it still wouldn't be accurate in terms of higher EHP being automactically better.

Blud, since I've met you on EU (you were not on PTR afaik) all you do is carry yourself with some attitude that you are truly some exceptional PVP player at this shitty game. Your class is broken, just not as much as wizards are currently and you only win because you are playing players who don't quite understand exactly how your skills work nor how it affects your strategy.

joinit, your gear is nowhere even close to mine, please do not compare your pvp dummy score to mine and say we have similar gear lol. Also WTF is this fairy tale of SIN beating me on PTR? Must I go through 120 videos to find clips of me raping his face night after night and him telling me monks are hopeless?

You guys don't see me posting I am #1 PVP Barb in the world anywhere do you? No, I don't do that shit and I don't claim to have solved the game. But I will say that I have not lost to a single person in a duel since day 1 of PTR, and when I say duel, me and another player go at it for endless hours trying to shut-out the other person and clearly show their dominance in the match. PTR the moment it opened until now, I have not met a single person who has shut my barb down and I have shut down every single person I've played except the few that was ongoing and we never had the pleasure to continue after PTR (Players from asia, and a few from EU)

Half the fun in this game is gearing up your character (Role Playing Game), your already forcing out 90% of the players who would be interested in a PVP-League. You can't balance the game around skills/items, this is not diablo 2, this is diablo 3.

I say it again, every match-up I've extensively tested so far has proven to be very balanced, and even with the RNG randomness, the rock-paper-scissor aspect keeps the game in check and always gives the other player a chance even if they are at a disadvantage of skill or gear.

Also, there are very few dedicated players who have all three traits to truly make any kind of calls on balancing (Skill, Knowledge, Gear/Gold). Until there are more players who have logged countless hours into trying to solve every match-up, we can't really say with certainty there are any imbalances in current PVP.

DH / Barb
Barb / Monk

I can tell you with certainty these matchups are quite balanced.

DH > Monk

These are match-ups that are very imbalanced.

Even with that said, it's hard to say, we need more good players to gear up with PVP in mind and see if they can figure out ways to win the match-ups that seemed handicapped.
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #183 on: March 08, 2013, 06:31:12 am »

I very much agree with the DH > Monk and All > Wiz statements. Really, they need to buff Wiz and Monks need some +40% movement speed skill with an aoe-undodgeable DoT skill lol. Here is my highly opinionated matchup chart:

Baba: Strong Advantage to Baba, Even with DH, Slight Disadvantage to Monk, Slight Disadvantage to WD, Strong Advantage to Wiz.

DH: Even with Baba, Strong Advantage to Monk, Even with WD, Strong Advantage to Wiz.

Monk: Slight Advantage to Baba, Strong Disadvantage to DH, Slight Advantage to WD, Strong Advantage to Wiz.

WD: Slight Advantage to Baba, Even with DH, Slight Disadvantage to Monk, Strong Advantage to Wiz.

Wiz: Sell Wiz, go buy Baba!


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #184 on: March 08, 2013, 09:12:05 am »

I can not agree that barb / monk are balanced duels.
Sometimes I fighting against barb who got more ehp with 80k+ dps. A bit better geared up and he can easy farm me down. He dont even need a 150k hp 4k/sec and 100k dps. 1h high dps + shield and I need much of luck to attack when ignore pain is on cd.. U know how hard it could be? When he always running for us, when I got too less spirit sometimes :P

Monk vs. dh is hard, I agree with that. Dh even with new nataly is hard to kill, only with a few lucky and mistakes from dh's.

I wont agree that wizzard are unless class. He is strong, but he is hard to play. More that wd or dh (dont tell me dh is hard too LOL). I know some wizzard how can kill me so easy, but they still got crap gear versus. top players on league.

wd need ban second live and/or hex. That's all about from me.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #185 on: March 08, 2013, 09:24:01 am »

Wiz: Sell Wiz, go buy Baba!

or take the challange (and be depressed from time to time ^^)


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #186 on: March 08, 2013, 11:01:14 am »

I´ve tested yesterday a lot of duels vs Nofear and Eldritch < Barb vs DH.
Without inspiring presence.
In my sight it was a balanced matchup without the presence.
The most hard thing about this match for me, is to set the final blow.
If the barb goes low, > Sprint < ,he goes to a wall and "Round and Round it goes".
I experience very hard times to get a good Barb there without spending tons of discipline, and there is allways a crazy rend possible in my face, i have to hit exactly, the barb hits me with AE @the walls.
Good life regeneration on items does a good job for the barb too..
If they would use good life reg + the presence, i didn´t ever have a chance, coz the regeneration rate on DH´s most important attribute "Disciplinie" <---sux a big cock.
Don´t understand me wrong, it´s makeable vs average Barbs in this situation, but it´s realy realy hard though.
Maybe 99% of DH´s in this league are noobs included myself, maybe they are undergeared, i can´t judge this and only can talk for myself. I got 24 ms, 450 k dps, 67 k life, 450 allres when i play vs Barbs. I got realy hard problems even with some that are lowgeared, if they play very well "passive" style like Eldritch.

The next thing i´ll test vs barbs is good liferegeneration without loosing much dmg. Just want to see how it works vs rend. Did anyone tested this allready?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 11:53:51 am by KNHO »


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #187 on: March 08, 2013, 11:31:36 am »

MannerCookie, you are hopeless.

Everybody was having a constructive discussion about PvP in this thread until you popped in. Please, as I mentioned before, if you know so much about pvp propose some ideas or rules, all you do is state general ideas that most people know.

And by the way, you are the only one who comes in here saying nobody has ever beaten you and all this sort of crap. You are the one who makes stupid 2hour-videos about how important dexterity is for a barbarian, to then make another 2h video about how not so important dexterity is for a barbarian. You are the perfect specimen for a sociological study. Diablo 3 might be a shitty game according to you; I can't imagine how sad your life is therefore.

And no, I wasn't on the PTR. I was having an amazing 25-day trip around Europe.

However, I've dueled endless amount of Barbarians in Europe, not only the ones in d3cl.com. I've dueled all the top ones and there's only one person who's beaten me twice, Devil (let aside his dirty tricks). So unless you think barbarians in EUROPE suck, or people who play them are kids or retards, WD is not so bad a class. And the only barbarians who make me play focused are those using WotB with sick dmg/ehp.

Stop being either a liar or a mystic about that secret Barb build/tactic/strategy. If there really is a way to pwn 100% of the times a top WD tell it to somebody in EU. Aren't you an Internet Guru after alL?

« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 11:33:24 am by Blud »


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #188 on: March 08, 2013, 11:47:22 am »

MannerCookie, you are hopeless.

Everybody was having a constructive discussion about PvP in this thread until you popped in. Please, as I mentioned before, if you know so much about pvp propose some ideas or rules, all you do is state general ideas that most people know.

And by the way, you are the only one who comes in here saying nobody has ever beaten you and all this sort of crap. You are the one who makes stupid 2hour-videos about how important dexterity is for a barbarian, to then make another 2h video about how not so important dexterity is for a barbarian. You are the perfect specimen for a sociological study. Diablo 3 might be a shitty game according to you; I can't imagine how sad your life is therefore.

And no, I wasn't on the PTR. I was having an amazing 25-day trip around Europe.

However, I've dueled endless amount of Barbarians in Europe, not only the ones in d3cl.com. I've dueled all the top ones and there's only one person who's beaten me twice, Devil (let aside his dirty tricks). So unless you think barbarians in EUROPE suck, or people who play them are kids or retards, WD is not so bad a class. And the only barbarians who make me play focused are those using WotB with sick dmg/ehp.

Stop being either a liar or a mystic about that secret Barb build/tactic/strategy. If there really is a way to pwn 100% of the times a top WD tell it to somebody in EU. Aren't you an Internet Guru after alL?

Just sell your useless WD and reroll.

and I've made my input into the rules system, i think maybe about around page 7? You can check my old posts yourself if your curious about my input.

I know Devil, he follows my stream, if he was having trouble with you he would've surely asked me, seeing how u just said yourself he wins vs you, there's nothing to discuss?

Also thanks for watching my videos, and yes sometimes I may say one thing then change my mind 3 weeks later, why is that? well if you can't figure it out, your really hopeless.
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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #189 on: March 08, 2013, 11:48:39 am »

Getting back to Rule Development:

Concerning WD vs All, I think there should only be a couple of fixes, and they are still being tested. I need more top MONKs and Wizards. I still haven't found a monk who beats me when I use tanky gear, its just so easy to keep him away and slowed with spiders, and haunt him. 1 crit haunt and u force him to go serenity and then you already won.

So we are working and seeing how "banning haunt" would affect the duels. So far I've only dueled Sin and Tomas, so we cannot make assumptions based on such a reduced set of data. But our impressions were very positive. It actuallly made duels versus Monks enjoyable. However, as I said, we need more monks, because there might be monks that get me in trouble even with haunt, I dont know.

As for Wizard vs WD.. What can I say, I feel bad about Kaio... He has similar gear to mine and he doesn't even stand a chance if I use all my skills. As I also mentioned, banning dogs, or maybe just 10% DR dogs, could be an option.

DH vs WD. The rules that are posted in first page are a complete nonsense. DHs are a really dangerous class for a WD, but obviously it has to have high-end gear and the right technique. Perhaps not allowing to use 4 dogs passive, or maybe not Dogs and Garg, only 1 of these skills, would even things out a bit. I still need to test with more DHs.

I lost last night versus Devil for d3cl.com 5-4. What else do you want? I really don't know who is developing these Barb vs WD rules, I would like to get a glimpse of his reasoning behind them. Do not make rules when they are not needed. A rule generally means removing a skill, so it has to be done carefully and avoided when possible. It's like saying, oh we don't like how WD vs WD duels are going, let's remove hex.


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #190 on: March 08, 2013, 11:53:25 am »

MannerCookie, you are hopeless.

Everybody was having a constructive discussion about PvP in this thread until you popped in. Please, as I mentioned before, if you know so much about pvp propose some ideas or rules, all you do is state general ideas that most people know.

And by the way, you are the only one who comes in here saying nobody has ever beaten you and all this sort of crap. You are the one who makes stupid 2hour-videos about how important dexterity is for a barbarian, to then make another 2h video about how not so important dexterity is for a barbarian. You are the perfect specimen for a sociological study. Diablo 3 might be a shitty game according to you; I can't imagine how sad your life is therefore.

And no, I wasn't on the PTR. I was having an amazing 25-day trip around Europe.

However, I've dueled endless amount of Barbarians in Europe, not only the ones in d3cl.com. I've dueled all the top ones and there's only one person who's beaten me twice, Devil (let aside his dirty tricks). So unless you think barbarians in EUROPE suck, or people who play them are kids or retards, WD is not so bad a class. And the only barbarians who make me play focused are those using WotB with sick dmg/ehp.

Stop being either a liar or a mystic about that secret Barb build/tactic/strategy. If there really is a way to pwn 100% of the times a top WD tell it to somebody in EU. Aren't you an Internet Guru after alL?

Just sell your useless WD and reroll.

and I've made my input into the rules system, i think maybe about around page 7? You can check my old posts yourself if your curious about my input.

I know Devil, he follows my stream, if he was having trouble with you he would've surely asked me, seeing how u just said yourself he wins vs you, there's nothing to discuss?

Also thanks for watching my videos, and yes sometimes I may say one thing then change my mind 3 weeks later, why is that? well if you can't figure it out, your really hopeless.

I just watched you videos when we talked in EU server a week ago and I didn't realise how short-minded you are. Also I was curious about your statements, so I went there to find out about you owning WDs... To find videos in which you are owned by sacrifice WDs. I had a funny time.

I've always said Barbarians > WDs with WotB.

Take care mate, and do not get too personal.

PS: GZ on your 100 subscribers!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 11:56:57 am by Blud »


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #191 on: March 08, 2013, 13:31:30 pm »

joinit, your gear is nowhere even close to mine, please do not compare your pvp dummy score to mine and say we have similar gear lol.

What a hell is up with you man? You´re flipping like crazy here making huge statements about other people and how crappy they are without ever getting into specifics. None of us is out here to win a schoolyard brawl, but your posts bring it to that level. Stop it, you´re a good guy who invests alot of time into this so act like it.

I am not interested in you not liking my PVP dummy score as I couldnt care less about it myself. That wasnt the question i asked so I dont know why you bring it up. I took my barb as an example for you to break down and analyze. Im asking you to look at him and tell me whats wrong with him (its a her thou). Yes, a 1200 spear with no ias and 300 vita 100 crit and sock etc would be cool. But whats the flaw on him? 300 vita 12% shoulders, 300 vita 16% amu 280 vita 12% bt armor? Or is there some magic at works? GET SPECIFIC man. Your posts suggest that everything on EU barbs is all wrong and crap, yet you never say how and why.

Im all ear and I gladly listen, IF I GET SOMETHING TO LISTEN TO! :)



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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #192 on: March 08, 2013, 14:30:38 pm »

joinit, your gear is nowhere even close to mine, please do not compare your pvp dummy score to mine and say we have similar gear lol.

What a hell is up with you man? You´re flipping like crazy here making huge statements about other people and how crappy they are without ever getting into specifics. None of us is out here to win a schoolyard brawl, but your posts bring it to that level. Stop it, you´re a good guy who invests alot of time into this so act like it.

I am not interested in you not liking my PVP dummy score as I couldnt care less about it myself. That wasnt the question i asked so I dont know why you bring it up. I took my barb as an example for you to break down and analyze. Im asking you to look at him and tell me whats wrong with him (its a her thou). Yes, a 1200 spear with no ias and 300 vita 100 crit and sock etc would be cool. But whats the flaw on him? 300 vita 12% shoulders, 300 vita 16% amu 280 vita 12% bt armor? Or is there some magic at works? GET SPECIFIC man. Your posts suggest that everything on EU barbs is all wrong and crap, yet you never say how and why.

Im all ear and I gladly listen, IF I GET SOMETHING TO LISTEN TO! :)


I never said all EU barbs are crap, I said EU barbs just haven't reached their ceiling in terms of gear.

It's really hard for me to separate the trolls from legit questions these days, as all I get is trolled 24/7. Not to mention you bring up some story about how SIN 15-0'd me (lol?) and you want me to treat you like a non-troll?

If you want specific, maybe check out some of my vids? Everything that I've tested is there for you to look for yourself anytime you want.

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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #193 on: March 08, 2013, 15:25:11 pm »

Maybe you guys should stop the Cock comparing here, and come up with more usefull ideas.
Would be nice if the admins could moderate here a bit and delete the posts that don´t push the main idea of this topic.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 15:47:10 pm by KNHO »


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Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« Reply #194 on: March 08, 2013, 16:56:36 pm »

plz keep in mind this topic is about rules not about your duels.
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