For me this duel is balanced too if monk use his companion. If not... this is his problem:P Only 1 monk that i have still problems is SIN - cannot take him from long distance because of his companion and I must go close. He have enough hp&ress to hold my 3 dodged-dota and after that I'm out of dyscypline without legacy nat so i'm dead:P
If you have problems guys try companion and after that we can think about possibly nerfs. And don't talk about nerfs if you have 50k hp against DH:P
So u telling us, if we dont have hp/ress ehp for 3 dogded dot etc. then we just "unskilled" ? I think it's wrong way...
I using companion, so what? I can take 1, sometimes 2 shot (crit dot will always kill me) with 75k hp. So I need 150k against dh and u telling it is balanced? Cause u are dh ofc ;]
I got only 936k ehp and I all the time loosing with dh 5-1 / 5-2. only if wave of light got critical undoged lucky strike hit! or if the dh came too close to me (his mistake).
dont tell me that this duel is balanced because there is one monk who can beat you.
a few mins ago I lose twice with two different dh's. with my companion they got no problem... the only one problem is in chemical burn. They got "high" crit chance and dmg ofc. if I got shot with it I got less than 2 sec for serenity. what if it on cd? my problem yes? ok... but hey...
if the monk had no cd on serenity .... let's theorize:
DH can shooting all the time chemical burn with no cd - this skill can one shot more than 99% of monks.
Monk can shooting wave of light with no cd - much more cost than chemical burn and yes, this skill can one shot more than 90% dh's
dh can come to you with ss - shot - ss and gone all in less then 1 sec sometimes. Monks cant do anythink like that... we need camp for dh, when ss gone we need to hit wave of light before they do this, ofc we using serenity. OMG we miss huehue... now we have to wait 20 sec cd.. they will kill us twenty times

seriously... sorry for my low end english but we need to balance this.
Guys, the rulez are for top players like sin? we got 3 monks in top20. we need rulez for them, or for rest of league? -,-