Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion

Entering foreign D3CL league


I'm in the US server's D3CL ladder

Recently I made a DH on EU and soon when my DH is ready I'll join the EU league.

When I look at my account, it specifically says "Region: Americas" and I don't have the option to join the EU league. Do I need a new account for this? o.O

no, i can change your region manually but you have to unsubscribe from US league first. we do not support both regions on one time yet. is this a big problem?

Thanks Mag, I'll stay in the US one for now

would be nice to be able to subscribe to both if we have the characters on both servers (just a suggestion for now)

i know, i've been speaking with Wittster at the beginning and he said it's not needed to run faster

a lot of work still to do :)


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