DH vs Barb: Still the most skill and gear based fight for a DH. To kill good barbs a DH needs to play without any mistakes, don´t miss any impales, notice barbs cd´s (Pot, charge, ignore pain..) kite very good, get very good gear with 100+ k HP to survive 1-2 crit Rends, without loosing to much DPS. 350+ k with SS only is a MUST for a legacy DH. Very hard to achieve.
Legacy and Nonlegacy DH´s both got their pluses and minuses here. Mobility/less dmg vs Crazy Dmg and EHP
DH vs Monk: Balanced in my eyes! If someone says DH is much in favour, go and make some duels vs Sin.
DH vs WD: Nothing changed, DH´s still get DESTROYED. Me and Error fought a lot vs Euronymous. It was like 2:50 in his favour. The 2 times he died, was because of some Harakiri - Max dmg - Lucky crit gameplay by us.
1 Critical Haunt burns all my resources, the second one kills me. Then there is Fear, Spirit vessel, Spirit barrage, Dogs, Healthglobes..seems that WD is the big counterclass for a DH right now.
DH vs Wizard: Fought yesterday vs Ximae and Mokkal, had a lot of fun, coz it seems to be much more balanced now.
I am forced to stack resistances and +Healthglobe bonuses on my vs Wizzard gear since Battle scars is banned. Without that, Storm Armor would just let me eat shit

DH vs DH: Balanced in all ways. I get 1 shoted with direct Impale hits vs New Nats DH´s, no matter with 110 k hp or 70 k hp.