Like I said, it's not really my field. But from what I have experienced and read DH vs. Wiz is extremely one-sided. They have no dots, no hard-hitting spell that could randomly one-hit a decent DH like Wave of Light or Spirit Barrage could and almost no help from defensive skills.
I don't think just banning some regen skills is gonna balance this. Right now you can just jump on them and kill in a few crits.
The difference is like day and night. Use low dps pve gear on your barb vs. WD if you want to see how Wiz feel. Dead in a second without being able to even scratch the WD

I agree it's a bit lame to play vs. a heavy cc build with no cc breaker. You can just sit there and watch and hope that you get out before you die.
WotB is just way too overpowered, I don't see how a Barb could ever lose with it. All you have to do is force Wiz into using their teleport and then go berserker. And even if the Wiz somehow manages to never use teleport, ~15s to catch a Wiz after his teleport in this tiny arena is more than enough.
I don't think it's proven yet that the match-up is favorable for Wiz at the highest level and until then I think it's better to have some ranked duels and see how it goes. I find it a bit harsh to nerf the class that was beaten up for months in advance, let's give them there moment to shine

Btw. in case you haven't noticed, rule dev activity is really low right now. Me personally, I won't even be playing in 1.08 and probably won't play again until Blizz starts giving a shit about PvP. The other devs have a similar mindset or so it seems at least since I haven't seen any activity from most of them in weeks if not months.
There will probably be the need to hire some new rule devs soon. Keep in mind no matter what we did or the remaining/new devs will do, our possibilites are extremely limited and thus rules will always favor a certain class or build.
Let's just get d3cl running again and have some fun