euronymous, are u saying that vs barb only bats ban is needed? without the hex-wotb ban?
i know u are pretty much at the top gear level for wd, did u test some possible rules with top barbs like vimer or devil?
i remember we talked a while ago and even with the no hex-no wotb rule u said it was something like 30-2 vs devil, which i would say he is about similar top gear level to you.
I always say let the top players test various setups and bans until they reach a 50-50 balance or 60-40 or at least 70-30, but i think that for the top level wd vs barb is a long way from that.
if u, or blud, have more recent testing sessions with devil, vimer or similarly geared barbs where they manage to do something, please let us know