Good to see you guys, at least some of you guys

I just wanted to stop by and talk about a few things that I've been thinking about.
I will be releasing a new video on the structure/format I want the tournament I'm organizing in the US to be like once it's closer to launch but in the meantime I wanted to share some thoughts with the D3CL community on how to improve and garner attention for D3-PVP.
This will not be organized and well-written, I simply did not have time to do so but I still wanted to share some of my thoughts in random numbered order.
#1. PVP Lobby > Challenge SystemIt's quite simple really, the current system of actively coming to an website to challenge someone else on the ladder is very 1999. This is not Kali and we are not playing Warcraft-2 on Case's Ladder (You old-school gamers know what I'm talking about).
We need an active-lobby system that Blizzard wasn't prepared to give us yet.
Here's my suggestion.
PVP Lobby = Act 4, MP 4, Quest 1 (This quest is what I found to have the least amount of players that PVE since it's really annoying to start outside of town for PVE players)
Want to play a few matches between your trades or farming?
All you gotta do is jump into a public game and you'll get paired with someone who's waiting for an opponent.
If you can't find a game through search, just create a game yourself and wait.
Once you've found an opponent you guys can agree to a match and create a private game to play out the match.
#2. Incentives, Incentives!D3-PVP is unlike any other PVP game that has come out to date. The fact that there is a live marketplace and active economy makes it extremely interesting in terms of the landscape of the scene. It may be too early for all of you to see this, but I guarantee you guys you'll see it soon enough.
With that said, D3-PVP requires gold, and a LOT of it.
There are many ways to obtain gold.
You can buy it, you can farm it, or you can play the AH (Which is another game on it's own).
The important thing is you need to acquire it in one way or another in order to be competitive, and this is the fact what makes and will make D3 so interesting. The fact that no two characters are alike in every stat and no two characters have similar gear (With assumption duping is finally fixed obv).
In order for D3-PVP to work, players must be given incentive to gear for PVP since well it costs GOLD and lots of it.
For PVE, the incentives for gearing are you can farm more efficiency and in return you will make up the costs of your progression as you go. There is also an active market where you can buy+sell your old gears that you upgrade out of to the next player looking to progress their character.
For PVP, this simply does not exist.
There is no incentive and there is also no way for players to progress solely through PVP. In fact it's quite the opposite since as more and more players are becoming active in PVP, they are starting to realize that items require a certain % of perfection to truly be able to compete with other skilled players.
PVP is in the end the ultimate progression, you farm PVE or play the AH to acquire gold to progress your PVP character, it is not cheap nor is it easy and quite frankly it should never be.
#3. Tournament SystemIn my opinion tournaments shouldn't be a supplement for the league system, it should be the opposite.
There should be tournaments with prizepools that give people an incentive to try and push their limits for PVP.
The league should simply be an addition to that tournament where newer players to the scene have a chance to test out their gear and learn to play.
Anyhow, already too long.
This part #3 I will get into more in my next video talking about the structure/format the tournament I'm organizing in the US will be in.