Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion

Blue Items League

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Sorry for the bad english
Well 90 % of the pvp players dont have anywhere near the required budged to play vs the top geared EU players so .
One Only Blue Items league Perhaps can bring the fun of the pvp back .

Its not fun getting 1 shouted again and again by overgeared players and there is no point playing vs them cuz u clearly cant with with ur 500-600 mil gear...

I hope the admins of this great site take my point and do something ;]
Cheers ;]

i heard there are several problem with blue items pvp. life regen, healing pots and too few dmg to kill anyone who is prepared to real pvp.

Blue items will be hard to balabced.

Made by tapatalk

I have a set of blue gear. and done quite a few blue gear duels and have not even died once. the thing is players think it will even out gear differences which is not true at all, in fact there is far greater gear disparity with blue gear/white gear than normal gear. if you go to the ah right now and buy the best gears available your set will be complete shit compared to the gears I got over a 1 months period before pvp came out.


--- Quote from: chucknorris#1885 on April 28, 2013, 05:21:43 am ---I have a set of blue gear. and done quite a few blue gear duels and have not even died once. the thing is players think it will even out gear differences which is not true at all, in fact there is far greater gear disparity with blue gear/white gear than normal gear. if you go to the ah right now and buy the best gears available your set will be complete shit compared to the gears I got over a 1 months period before pvp came out.

--- End quote ---

hmmm .. what ?


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