Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion

ubbers mp10 magda SOLO under 4min

<< < (2/3) > >>

Damn snapshot nerf, I was soloing this fight in 2mins last patch :(
Also, last week I set a record time of 53 seconds in a 4-player team, soloing seems like a huge waste of time now.

LOL you're the guy that spammed my wave of light ubers video?  How sad.  But I guess it makes sense given your obnoxious post history on these boards looking for attention everywhere you go.

I also don't know how you can say this is an answer to what I did when I soloed all 3 ubers in a row without dying.  You only soloed one encounter. 

Some one sounds frustrated xD

Didnt made the video to bother you.....try to dont look at it...

take care and love you too!

e-pen topic! yeey!


--- Quote from: Lusitano on April 11, 2013, 00:31:49 am ---Some one sounds frustrated xD

Didnt made the video to bother you.....try to dont look at it...

take care and love you too!

--- End quote ---

Then maybe you shouldn't have come to my youtube channel and spam me your crappy videos for no reason at all.


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