I think that dhs have to give up a lot of mobility for rf, they cant really kite a lot, like with impales, they get a lot more rends.
I played vs venxosiz yesterday and he actually streamed it, here is the vid
http://www.twitch.tv/venxosiz/b/404687873 - the duel starts at about 1.00.00, it was 5-1 but we tested some more afterwards.
i first started with wotb to abuse the somehow more imobile rf build, it did ok but he actually moves a lot, which is good. after round 2 or 3 i switched to marauder rage because i noticed that even my non-wotb crits were decent.
after the duel i tried skorn, but I was too squishy, it did work with 1000 dex on gear but pretty low dps for skorn, it could be ok with a skorn with 300+ dex but only vs tanky dhs.
than i tried same build as in the duel but with treatening shout instead of marauder and it actually did ok too, the identical build that i use vs legacy dhs, both gear and skills, having enough fury at all times is nice.
at the very end i tried my tankiest spec vs his most dps, it took him 18 sec to kill me which is very good, a lot of skorn barbs with insanity hota rend couldnt kill me in that spec standing still.
i agree i could have used also overpower for more defense to at least get to 2nd ignore pain, but still the dps was huge.
that final test was with dodge rune on impunity, 44.7 dodge buffed, 950 AR, 12k arm, 32 block, -35 vs elites etc, no dps
I havent yet tested vs legacy and i dont think rf advantages them, because they rely on kiting and not getting rended, they cant really tank too many rends.
it may be ok in the current league as i dont see many top dhs with non legacy gear, but really good ones with 350k dps unbuffed and decent ehp should destroy any barb