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The third D3CL season final PvP rules

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Comments on news http://www.d3cl.com/en/news/view/220/diablo3-the-third-d3cl-season-final-pvp-rules.htm

ok time for advertising on serveral websites. also tell your friends about us.

May i ask you 1 question ? Why you just refuse to trust me ? WD vs Monk - hex or firebats ? This favors monk like 70-80% . No rules in this match up.
And also WD vs Wizard - banning only firebats doesnt resolve the problem. Ban also Blood ritual + Haunt. Now wizard has a chance.


You playing with wd or monk?
Also tell me why you thonk there is no rule needed. What have been changed since last 3 months? Did monk got buff? Wd nerf? I remember monk was the only one class which can defeat wd, but still much much weaknest then wd. So...?

Mag i said to give "free rules" or else there will be a problem still xdd

VC  rules >>>  Witch Doctors are only allowed to use either Plague Bats Rune or Hex against Monks


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