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Is the lack of pvp must mean dead league?


Meyby someone have some ideas how to make it fun again? Some support for clans - clan score or something?

Meyby there should be some update do Clan List - at this moment is full of dead clans without any more information.
How I see it: Player can add a new clan - of there will be five people in (by battle#tag) the clan will be on the list with some information etc.
One battle#tag can be sign to only one clan. It shouldn't be hard to make it in php I think.

also like all the time - sorry for my english ;]

there's no clan support in api. I plan major changes in this section but can't do it now because of blizz's ignorance.

of course I still think about tournament but the things I hear about pvp in ros discourage me a lot

Clan support have to working without api (we can count average paragon for clan etc - just like diabloprogress do it).

about PvP tournaments - forget for now. The only one way is blue staff I think.

not so much fun ;) i have a different view but need api :) thought it was a matter of time but stupid me. it's so f* complicated to do so, right blizz? :)

@battle.net forum we got avatar called "beta-avatar.jpg"  (http://us.battle.net/d3/static/local-common/images/d3/portraits/beta-avatar.jpg) so we have to wait atleast 2 years more.


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