Duelling & Diablo 3 > The Demon Hunter

Diablo 3 Beta Patch 15 - Demon Hunter Skill Previews

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Well I love the fact that the DH is so versatile and complex. Therefore it's also hard to master and requires you to be a skilled player and I like that :)

been looking at these videos. Was thinking about rapid shot togheter with the web shot rune that slows movement speed, does that work? Cause if it does it will pritty much make a DH impossible to get close to :)


--- Quote from: Vik on April 06, 2012, 16:39:47 pm ---been looking at these videos. Was thinking about rapid shot togheter with the web shot rune that slows movement speed, does that work? Cause if it does it will pritty much make a DH impossible to get close to :)

--- End quote ---

Depends on your amount of hatred :) you can't infinitly spam rapid fire.

That would truly be OP ^^
Does DH have any hatred/Discipline generating skills? :>


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