Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion


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Version 5.3!

* Reduced dmg % included.
* Fixed a missing hook for WMSw in the regular character sheet Damage box (had no impact on the actual combat table calculation).

Finally i can test this :)

Version 5.4!

* Blocking information now fully provided!
* Superstition implemented in the resistance tables as well for easy overlooking in the Res-Box.
* Fixed a potential double-dipping of relative EHP.
* Most huge numbers have been reduced to display in thousands rather than in actual size.
* Total Relative Effective Life has been updated to include the outcome of the blocking, which means that it is dependant on the model swing. The model swing is currently set to 170k but you can edit it all you like.
What the last bullet point means is that if you change the model swing, the value of block will fluctuate. When the minimum block value is higher or equal to the incoming swing, block chance is another DR at a 1:1 ratio (40% block = 40% dr), beforehand it is at another ratio depending on what I call the average block-slip, or the damage that on average doesn't get blocked.

Another thing to remember is that if you're looking at items with increased block chance and comparing it to another item without block, the percentage difference that the relative effective life will show you is essentially depending on the model swing, if you increase the model swing the value of the block item will start to diminish. It is up to you to remember this!

Version 5.4.2!

* Fixed error with average block-slip when maximum block is capped and minimum block isn't (partial overblocking).

Now the spreadsheet treats partial overblocking as a ratio, which should improve the value of DR as you start to overblock at high block rolls (partial overblocking). In scenarios where your max block reduces the incoming swing to zero but your minimum block doesn't, the formula used is as follows:

0,5 * min Slip^2 / d Block

d Block - delta between max and min block of the shield
min Slip - the maximum incoming damage in minimum block cases

Is anyone else having the issue when they change/update weapon values the DPS breaks with '#NAME'.

Not sure if it's been posted/resolved yet, I've scoured the calc page looking for a way to fix it, with no avail.  It even happens on the stock download when you switch the weapons the main page breaks and DPS is unable to be calculated.

Is there a macro that needs to run the 120s duration of a fight to calculate the DPS that I'm not seeing a button for?  I used to run macro's for my rogue in wow and I had to run the test in order to see dps updates....what am I missing with this spreadsheet?

Thanks for the resource Super, once I get this kink worked out it's going to be a godsend.



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