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--- Quote from: Serated on June 16, 2012, 04:27:34 am ---Is anyone else having the issue when they change/update weapon values the DPS breaks with '#NAME'.

Not sure if it's been posted/resolved yet, I've scoured the calc page looking for a way to fix it, with no avail.  It even happens on the stock download when you switch the weapons the main page breaks and DPS is unable to be calculated.
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When I get #NAME errors it's because I've renamed an item while having it equipped. Resolving is either an Undo or if you've already saved it, a re-download of the spreadsheet. Let me know if this is what broke your sheet!

--- Quote from: Serated on June 16, 2012, 04:27:34 am ---Is there a macro that needs to run the 120s duration of a fight to calculate the DPS that I'm not seeing a button for?  I used to run macro's for my rogue in wow and I had to run the test in order to see dps updates....what am I missing with this spreadsheet?

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No, any changes made to stats or other mods such as passive talents and so forth automatically updates ~30k calculations. And remember that it doesn't need to be a 120 sec duration, or even time duration at all, you do have options for choosing target health instead.   :)

The macros in this spreadsheet are mainly to quicken up a boring task of manually adding a bunch of values for comparisons. For example, you have an SEP macro which essentially tries adding the chosen number of stats (there's a note explaining this in the spreadsheet) for one stat at a time, save the result, and re-run the calculations with another added stat. There's also a defensive equivalent to determine the value of defensive stats, although it is currently hidden!

--- Quote from: Serated on June 16, 2012, 04:27:34 am ---Thanks for the resource Super, once I get this kink worked out it's going to be a godsend.


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Thank you! Hope you get it working and let me know if you still have #NAME issues even if you don't rename equipment you currently have equipped.

Edit: I should add that it's perfectly fine to change the affix values of an item while having it equipped, the spreadsheet doesn't like it when you try to rename it though.


--- Quote from: Superstate on June 16, 2012, 12:59:28 pm ---

When I get #NAME errors it's because I've renamed an item while having it equipped. Resolving is either an Undo or if you've already saved it, a re-download of the spreadsheet. Let me know if this is what broke your sheet!


Edit: I should add that it's perfectly fine to change the affix values of an item while having it equipped, the spreadsheet doesn't like it when you try to rename it though.

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So, When I open a brand new spreadsheet.. I'll change the weapon from what is currently is, to a DIFFERENT weapon and it breaks immediately..  Is the only option to keep the current weapon and just change the numbers..or? 

This is mainly the issue I was having, the sheet simply breaks when you try to adjust anything in the weapon slot.

I've tried setting the Weapon to "None", then picking a different weapon, picking the same default weapon it's still broken...

You don't have this issue Super?

EDIT:  I'm using Excel 2007, could this be the issue?  And if not, I can't change ANYTHING on the weapon slot (affix,name,dmg, etc) without it breaking the sheet.


--- Quote from: Serated on June 17, 2012, 02:53:55 am ---
EDIT:  I'm using Excel 2007, could this be the issue?  And if not, I can't change ANYTHING on the weapon slot (affix,name,dmg, etc) without it breaking the sheet.

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That is very likely the issue! While 2007 can open .xlsm documents, it very likely can't run Decimation properly. Other people have reported in the past issues with 2007, and I've never had the errors you describe yourself (using 2010), so I guess using 2007 is out of the picture I'm afraid.


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