Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion

Which bosses are you expecting to see?

(1/5) > >>

We will probably find out soon enough (15/05!), but it'd be interesting to see where people stand in terms of expectations for the big bosses at the end of each act.

In my opinion:
- Azmodan
- Belial
- Lucion (Mephisto's son)
- Tyrael (corrupted? :D) or Diablo


I've got the feeling we'll see Butcher's great comeback. Not as an end-boss, but during some mid-act encounter maybe

edit: Mag you were faster :D

Game is called Diablo III, so i hope and believe, that at some point we will be fighting Diablo himself, it might be Tyrael corrupted by Diablo, some other archangel corrupted by him, but without Diablo it's not... Diablo :P

Azmodan & Belial sound reasonable, dont know nothing about Mephisto's bastards.


--- Quote from: Mr.Mag on May 09, 2012, 10:51:41 am ---butcher!

--- End quote ---

Butcher returns :)


Also on diablofans there is kinda big list of bosses (loading screen pics). Warrning: Spoilers.


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