Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion

Maintenance 20/05/2012

(1/2) > >>

Sorry if I shouldn' be posting here just want to let everyone know about situation.
Fresh post from Blizzard

--- Quote ---
At this time we are unable to provide an ETA on when these issues will be resolved. We will continue to update you with information as it comes to light.
--- End quote ---


We are currently testing some possible fixes for the issues encountered, and hope this will help us get the service back up as soon as possible.

Same source.


--- Quote ---We are slowly opening up the service to allow players to connect. This is part of our continued testing. There is a chance that this will result in the service becoming unavailable again at some point, and we will continue to update you as this testing progresses.
--- End quote ---

I have just logged on. Try aswell.

I log in , but still cant create/join any game ;/


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