Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion

Accounts Possibly At Risk in Public Games

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they have enough resources and time to test everything before going live. now it shows only that company such as activision bilzzard cant be trusted.

As for time: they did rush the release (hence PvP isn't included).

Man, unsettling news... I personally never understood the urge of people to steal from others. I hope they fix the problem fast.

Fen there is no such thing like "have enough resources and time to test" because of the costs. As Spirals said, they speed up release and leave over many things. probably the army of managers insisted for this

Creating absolutely perfect game with no errors would require infinite cost and even blizz can not afford it. yeah its unfair to the players...

@mag - in word "recources" i meant budget.
@spirals - and about that thing with "rush" its bulls*** for me. they announcement d3 in 2008, and 1st profects started in 2006 so rly, dont believe in "rush" thing.

Well maybe it's a bad argument for us since indeed they have been working on the game since 2006 - but it's the argument Blizzard has been putting out for the game not having a pvp modus.

Budget is another thing: pretty sure they have a big budget but how much of it is spend on security and how important is it to them...? Hard to answer these questions.

Point being: people have found exploits and if Blizzard wants to keep satisfied customers they better fix the exploits asap


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