Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion

How does the new economy affect you in Diablo 3


Here’s a bonus prediction: It’s a solid bet that the gold auction house could actually be very popular. The key is that Blizzard charges a fee for listing in the cash auction house. Since there is no cut taken for transactions in the gold auction house, players can in theory do a much higher volume of trading there, including turning over entire set-ups of gear for different ones without ever needing to build up enough wealth to have meverything at once. Buy Diablo 3 Gold is necessary for your Diablo 3 game trip, If you really want to play well in game, you’d better buy plenty Diablo 3 gold ASAP.This means you can swap out your caster monk gear for melee monk gear and then swap back again in a matter of days, especially if Blizzard does a good job of stabilizing prices.

are you real or a bot?

i've deleted a couple of links so its probably a one time visitor


--- Quote from: Mr.Mag on May 22, 2012, 12:53:43 pm ---i've deleted a couple of links so its probably a one time visitor

--- End quote ---

could be spambots, if we see more of those coming you should change the registration method.
He does make a point however, IGG is important. Very important ;)


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