Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion

Patch 1.0.3 preview

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tl;dr - inferno will be easier, dmg wont scale when you're playing co-op (mobs will deal same amount of dmg as they do in solo games), ilvl63 drops possible from a1 inferno, repair costs go up.

Gaps between inferno acts wont be that big, but i hope that it still will be challenging. Well, it will, because if i got it right, repair will be way more expensive and even now im paying 8k for full repair, avoiding death will be much more important, good.

Anyways, i see some good changes there, but only if inferno wont be nerfed too much.

I like they're getting rid of dmg scaling in co-op games. For monks and barbarians this is best change in this patch in my opinion. As well as ilvl 63 drops starting from a1. Feels more like d2, where you could gear your char for hell by playing on nightmare. Anyway, started exploiting a3q1 to lvl my dh asap, so I can be one of those saying inferno needs no nerfing, and clear a3 running in blue items with 0 res ^^

They will be also changing attack speed from items, because now its a must for all damage dealers, so i suggest to wait with buying expensive items with that mod, it might be not that useful in future.

It was a matter of 'when' about all those nerfs, so no big surprise. It's good that in co-op dmg won't scale, will be easier with people who don't have required gear.
Ilvl 63 in act 1 is good too. Now a lot of gear is heavily overpriced, so a good change in my eyes.


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