Diablo 3 Clan League - PvP forum
Duelling & Diablo 3 => General discussion => Topic started by: Spirals on May 10, 2012, 00:22:09 am
blue post:
In celebration of a successful beta test, all players who were invited to participate in the Diablo III closed beta will receive the commemorative Feat of Strength, “One of the Chosen.” For eligible players, this feat will appear automatically in the Feat of Strength list after logging in for the first time as well as unlock a unique sigil that can be used on character banners. In order to be eligible for “One of the Chosen,” you must have had a Diablo III closed beta license attached to your Battle.net account (it isn’t necessary to have downloaded or logged into the beta itself). Please note that players who participated only in the Open Beta Weekend, but were not invited to the closed beta, will not receive this Feat of Strength. Thank you once again to all of our beta participants. We look forward to seeing you in Sanctuary!
What do you think about this? Battle.net forum has a new trending topic... seems unfair to me, I did get the closed beta and don't really care about such a feat but I can imagine that other people will be caring...
i dont care about any achievements and all those stuping things for kids ;) let them be proud of it
Kinda lame, but i will prove my worth on arena, just give me god damn pvp :P
Well I didn't get it. Doesn't really seem fair, but on the other hand - year from now, nobody will care if one played the beta or not.
Gz to all who will get it tho. You lucky bastards :)
in five years gonna be realy cool ^^
i think it will be the same as with the sc2 avatars, at the start people might be wanting 1, but in the end no1 cares
Doesn't really bother me, I just don't get the point of an achievement that's based on luck of the draw =P
Im one of the chosen! Im better than you! ;D
Its simple achi, so i think ppl just dont give a sh** by this ; )