Diablo 3 Clan League - PvP forum

The Lounge => Polska sekcja => Ogólne Diablo 3 => Topic started by: MasTa on May 09, 2012, 17:54:22 pm

Title: Diablo progress
Post by: MasTa on May 09, 2012, 17:54:22 pm

Oparte na wow progressie gdzie jest ranking najlepszych gildii pve na swiecie, chcialiscie ladder to macie =]
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 09, 2012, 18:05:25 pm
Glasgow wrzucal link do tego w moim topicu o wd/dh.
imo biedne to bedzie bardzo ze wzgledu na koniecznosc dodawania sie do listy
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: RoGH on May 09, 2012, 18:16:25 pm
Już to widzieliśmy, myśle, ze z czasem bedzie to wyglądać bardzo dobrze, wystarczy tylk poczekać na efekt kuli śnieżnej. Znasz stamtąd kogoś Masters? Albo ktoś inny zna twórców tego z WoWa? Moznaby sie z nimi jakoś dogadać ;p
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: Mr.Mag on May 09, 2012, 18:25:15 pm
wie ktos jak oni beda pobierac te dane z konta?
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 10, 2012, 11:01:16 am
z uwage na mozliwosc inspectowania postaci nie bedzie to jakis problem wielki
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: Mr.Mag on May 10, 2012, 11:02:21 am
mozesz rozszerzyc temat?
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 10, 2012, 11:08:31 am
no klikasz na dowolnego goscia na chacie prawym wybierasz z opcji inspect i ogladasz jego postac, co nosi itp
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: Mr.Mag on May 10, 2012, 11:16:08 am
a jakos bardziej automatycznie? przeciez nikt nie bedzie recznie tego sprawdzal ;)
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 10, 2012, 11:32:57 am
geez magu mam ci skrypt do bota wkleic? :P
sadze ze do tego wystarczy prosty programik,ale moze ja sie nie znam
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: Mr.Mag on May 10, 2012, 11:35:49 am
no wlasnie chce ten prosty programik zrobic tylko szukam metode. wolalbym uniknac odpalenia bot na kompie, ktory cos robi. zapewne nie zaloguje sie na battlenet czatem? blizz zadnego api tez raczej nie zrobil. szukam metody :)

wlasciwie jesli ma to byc bot to mozliwie lekki. moze byc z innej gry, ktora da sie odpalic w shellu ;)
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: MasTa on May 10, 2012, 11:39:45 am
a jakos bardziej automatycznie? przeciez nikt nie bedzie recznie tego sprawdzal ;)
W wowie to polega na tym, ze dodajesz gildie i tyle, maja oni caly roster gildii, ranking, gearscore postaci etc, po zabiciu bossa automatycznie jest upgrade. Pewnie bazuja na armory ale do konca nie wiem bo nie zajmuje sie pve, wnioskuje po tym, ze na AJ (http://www.arenajunkies.com/rankings/3v3/) tak samo jest ranking najlepszych teamow na swiecie gildii, graczy PvP ktory bazuje wlasnie na armory.

edit: Mow, ze szukasz jakiegos skryptu do tego a nie jak to dziala, co za bot =]
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 10, 2012, 11:44:10 am
@mag: nigdy sie nie bawilem czyms takim wiec jesli chodzi o szczegooly to ci nie pomoge.
@masta: masz racje to jest all z armory sciagane, tu pewnie bedzie to samo o ile bedzie armory
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: Mr.Mag on May 10, 2012, 11:47:02 am
jak bedzie to no problem, ale raczej nie bedzie. Master naucz sie czytac ;p ja chce to zrobic sam i szukam sensownej metody dzialania.
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 13, 2012, 10:27:06 am
Shortly after the launch of Diablo III, we’ll be adding a new feature to our official site. Profiles will let you review all of your character information at a glance, share it with others, and check out the accomplishments of the other heroes out there.

You’ll be able to look at your heroes (or your friends’ heroes) from any page on the Diablo III site through our personalized menu. If you’re curious about the exploits of your fellow forum posters, it’ll be a simple matter to click over to their profiles and feel envious of their gear or how long they’ve managed to keep their Hardcore characters alive.

Our first profiles release will include these two elements:
A career tab that displays all of your heroes, how far you’ve progressed in the Diablo III campaign, how many foes you’ve slain, the names and playtimes of your fallen Hardcore heroes, and more.
A heroes tab that shows off your equipment (including dyes, socketed gems, all equipment bonuses, etc.), your attributes and skills, the skills and equipment of your Followers, and more.
We’re planning to add tabs that’ll show off your artisans and achievements as well. Profiles will be available on the site sooner rather than later, but you should feel free to share your suggestions and thoughts in the comments section below or in theWebsite Features forum.

a jednak bedziemy mieli armory
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: Mr.Mag on May 13, 2012, 10:35:28 am
o niezle :)
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 13, 2012, 10:44:14 am
problem rozwiazany? bedziemy mieli wlasny ranking?
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: Mr.Mag on May 13, 2012, 10:45:51 am
na to wyglada
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: mikechdx on May 13, 2012, 10:49:11 am
No i wlasnie wowprogress kradnie dane z armory
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: Damx on May 13, 2012, 10:50:37 am
toz to niesamowicie zaawansowana strona, najwieksza na swiecie ;O
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 13, 2012, 10:51:34 am
michau czytanie wiecej niz ostatniego posta nie boli
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: mikechdx on May 13, 2012, 10:53:20 am
z tym ze nie wiadomo czy diablo armory bedzie pokazywac podobne staty co w wowie bo w wowie liczylo ci kazdego udanego ecountera za co dostawales pkt na wowprogress i lecial automatycznie ranking
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 13, 2012, 10:59:08 am
a po angielsku napisane przeczytac nie laska? masz tam napisane co bedzie
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: mikechdx on May 13, 2012, 11:00:51 am
o chu... nie zauwazylem ze to ma 2 strony soz ;P
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: budda- on May 13, 2012, 11:40:42 am
Shortly after the launch of Diablo III, we’ll be adding a new feature to our official site. Profiles will let you review all of your character information at a glance, share it with others, and check out the accomplishments of the other heroes out there.

You’ll be able to look at your heroes (or your friends’ heroes) from any page on the Diablo III site through our personalized menu. If you’re curious about the exploits of your fellow forum posters, it’ll be a simple matter to click over to their profiles and feel envious of their gear or how long they’ve managed to keep their Hardcore characters alive.

Our first profiles release will include these two elements:

    A career tab that displays all of your heroes, how far you’ve progressed in the Diablo III campaign, how many foes you’ve slain, the names and playtimes of your fallen Hardcore heroes, and more.
    A heroes tab that shows off your equipment (including dyes, socketed gems, all equipment bonuses, etc.), your attributes and skills, the skills and equipment of your Followers, and more.

We’re planning to add tabs that’ll show off your artisans and achievements as well. Profiles will be available on the site sooner rather than later, but you should feel free to share your suggestions and thoughts in the comments section below or in theWebsite Features forum.

We’ve also been hard at work on a ton of other website content, available to help you sharpen your knowledge and prepare to face the forthcoming onslaught. On Monday, May 14, you’ll be able to browse an updated Items section, which will include Legendary and Set items, as well as some specific hand-crafted items. In addition, you can:

    Watch the new gameplay overview video – What Is Diablo III?
    Experiment with class builds using the Skill Calculator.
    Discuss the game on the Diablo III Community forums.
    Pre-purchase Diablo III.

See you in Sanctuary!
- Blizzard Web Team
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 13, 2012, 11:44:28 am
motyla noga,kurcze piooro nastepny :D
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: budda- on May 13, 2012, 11:51:22 am
~~ zasnalbym i obudzil sie jutro okolo 16 :D
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: Damx on May 13, 2012, 14:11:52 pm
widze ze bedzie wow2 z tego a nie diablo3
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 13, 2012, 14:13:44 pm
ty nie masz glosu ,bo moowiles ze nie bedziesz gral :D
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: Damx on May 13, 2012, 16:26:47 pm
ciagnij laske ! i tak bede trolowal i tak - a pozatym bede sie z was smial jak bedziecie zarywac noce dnie i noce znow zeby nabic levelek, a pozniej mowic " o k****a przetopilem to u kowala, a to bylo imba bron, myslalem ze gowno " ha ha ha h3 h3 h3 h4 h4 h4
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 13, 2012, 16:47:54 pm
idz na patrol !!~~
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: budda- on May 13, 2012, 16:52:19 pm
kiedys shafta do sklepu sprzedalem, never again :D
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: torgoch on May 13, 2012, 16:58:00 pm
przestan ja opchnalem w sklepie przez laga ccbs 326 dmg warte dzylion wszystkiego
Title: Re: Diablo progress
Post by: Radzio on May 14, 2012, 09:35:38 am
ja za to skasowałem przez przypadek smita z bt, bb, eth bug exile itp...