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Messages - zee

Pages: [1]
Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« on: March 05, 2013, 03:36:14 am  »

I have duelled alot of demonhunters aswell with natalya's soul and wrath from 350 to 525 k dps.

I just did duel with Lilith , Barbarian versus DH, 10-3 for the barbarian

You went 10-3 with or without Inspiring Presence?


is this on EU?

Would like to see you do the same vs. a couple of DH's in Americas.

No hex vs. barbs .... have fun getting getting 1 - 2 shotted by HOTA.

You may have tested vs. MC on PTR but a lot of his specs/gear setups have changed since then.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« on: March 05, 2013, 02:37:24 am  »
Starting from the bottom: yes, you may choose other runes.

About wd vs barb: have you played vs wd without hex?

E: we dont want anyone to quit because of the rules, help us and run some tests with or without inspiring presence, im standing on a position that its not a must to ban it, leaving old nat and banning wotb maybe is enough.

Yes please do more extensive testing before proposing with skill restrictions. if you are on Americas server I will be more than willing to help.

On the note of banning WOTB vs. WD with no hex ... that's fine ... BUT WD's will then get screwed so hard ... you have to understand that Hex is the single skill that saves them vs barbs. without it no matter what they do they will not win.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« on: March 05, 2013, 02:33:13 am  »
also saw the rules on WD ...

that's basically saying WD's should be banned lol you're banning all of the essential skills they need to survive.

No hex and get slammed by barbs
no pets and get slammed by DH

IMO, don't alter any rules to skill restrictions. It's fine the way it is now. Ppl that are crying are just not geared/skilled enough or haven't found the right specs.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2
« on: March 05, 2013, 02:28:33 am  »
Who's coming up with these silly rules?

In a mirror match Barbarians cannot use a shield
A Skorn build bvb will out perform at s/b barb any day. This has been tested extensively by the top Barbs on US. The The barb should feel free to use w/e they like, keeping in mind that Skorn >.

The Barbarian cannot use the skill “Wrath of the Berserker” versus the Wizard, Monk and Witch-Doctor.
Fair enough vs. Wizard. No need it vs Monks. But WD's ... unless you want to have a stale mate, top end barb vs wd duels requires the barb to have WOTB to make sure the duels don't go over 20 min long ... this is assuming the WD has enough EHP to stand 1 crit HOTA even with a Skorn.

In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” and “Witch Doctor” the passive skill “Inspiring presence” is not allowed
This has to be a joke. The DH that proposed this either aren't skilled enough with the legacy set or aren't tanky enough with the new set. If anyone's on the Americas server, duel Mystical (legacy) or Revrac (non-legacy) on a barb and you'll find out that barbs NEED Inspiring Presence ... and even then it's still a very hard match.
In duels versus the “Wizard” the rune “Marathon” from the skill “Sprint” is not allowed
This may actually grant Wizard a chance, not bad of a rule

In duels versus the “Wizard” the Barbarian can choose one, but not more of the following skills: “Ground Stomp”, “Leap” with rune “Death from Above”, “Charge” with rune “Bull Rush”, “Bash” with rune “Clobber” or “Weapon Throw” with rune “Throwing Hammer”.

I see that no more than 1 stun should be allowed. Fair enough, does that mean more than 1 of these skills with non-stun runes can be chosen?

Pages: [1]

BlackRain , 2006 by Crip
Diablo 3 PvP, Diablo 3 PvP

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