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Messages - N0F3aR

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If all players that bought the game ot lets say at least 80 % returns to play, much more players will do PvP. If PvP is rewarding, that will bring even more players. I returned to D3 cuz PvP, not cuz failed PvE. So lets say if game is played by 5 mil players. 80 % is 4 mil. 5 % from 4 mil = 200k players. And that is fine.

I didnt saw allow WotB and banning TR. And what you say about cheap barb is not true. See russs, his build is very very good and i doubt cost ton of bilions. Just the correct items for the proper build. And pls, Forti, you are so undergeared that you dont understand the power of the monk.

Barb vs Monk fight:
I faced some problem against TR monks. 1st to say, barb already have banned wotb, but monks nothing. But here is the problem :
Monk can run how much time he wants with TR. Or you have be god of the random to take 3-4 charge that stun. Monk comes, flash, 2 hits with explosive light that deal ton of dmg, then run run run. If gets crit hit rend - serenity, then run run run run, flash, 2 hits, if again the barb is alive, run run run run run run. Serenity with cd passive has 12 CD. If barb goes heavy tanky, wont be able to kill Monk, cuz simply barb need like 3 crit rends in a row ( with lower dps). With more dps, barb get risky to be 1-2 shooted if ignor pain is not up. And ignor pain has 30 sec cd. That fight could long for hour if barb gets tank and monk cant 2 shoot him out of ignor pain. But obviosly i wont fight 1 hour, so i go more dps and result is less ehp, monk RUN RUN RUN RUN ( i dont speak personally to some1, this is not problem with just 1 monk), flash then run run run. Tempest Rush with 25 % bonus MS allows monk to move much faster than Barb with Sprint.
I dont know what would be best here, but barbs in that case ( FORTI, dont say nothing, pls) are a litle be ...
Proposal :
    - Allowing wotb. Not big deal against TR monk, but still barb can use his full potential.
    - Ban bonus 25 % MS tempest rush rune. That way monk would still run, but barb has more chance to chase. Still - barb have WotB banned, Monk just 1 rune.
    - Ban both TR and Sprint - im not for this, i need decent monk to test that.

We dont know what will Blizzard do. They dont know themselvs. 3rd game director for 1 year. ???

Actually Mokk, you make 1 mistake and i kill you, when i am using wotb. But 1 my mistake - and wotb is waste for nothing. You did very good build against WotB, so 1 single mistake and you escape alive. After that my hero is much easier to be killed, since i use soj + more dps/less ehp. So casting WotB needs preparation, very good timing and map orientation. Not so easy against decent wizzard as all say.

Barbs vs Wizards is close fight now since WotB is banned. I mean even this fight is in favor of the wizard, maybe like 55/45 since barb need some proper gear ( high dex or cc reduction).

Dark Raven,
Banning sprint and tempest rush is not good idea.
Barb cant chase non tempest rush monk, 1 rend you land, and monk is 20 yards from you. And you have to hope to land crit hit.

Green, top ranked players cant give this skills balance.

General discussion / [EU/SC] WTS Decent PvP/PvE Skorn
« on: June 08, 2013, 21:35:47 pm  »
Hi, somehow cant print screen ingame, but this is the item:
DPS: 1374
Strenght : 479
Vitality : 171
CHD : 173%

I played 1st season, test season, 2nd season with this axe. Also used it for farming mp 10 ( + IK belt) and Essence run act 2 (Vault of the assasin). Worked without problem.
Prize: 400 Mil
Contact me ingame,  N0F3aR#2714

Mnich didnt played against me, insane or vimer ( 1 w/o). He wont be that stats if he stayed to play.

And how barb will chase a monk with no tempest rush? WIth same move speed , monk would kite barb. And more, you can land 1 rend, after that monk will be far away from the barb. This is not good.
And hello Forti, stop writting about barb vs monk, since you are not in top lvl. Once you reached your game will change against that class.

Dark Raven explained very well. Yes, i may spend less gold than most of the players i faced, but my gear is pvp optimizated, maybe i am in the 80-85% range ( my pvp gear is totaly different than my pve gear). Still pvp is not popular, so barb's pvp items are cheaper than high end dps items for othe classes. But ! the top barb's pvp items are closer to the prizes of the other top items - example, decent spear can easily go 10 bil, decent blackthorne pieces worth 1.5 - 2 bils, the best worth more. I myself to get upgrade now need like 5-10 bil at least.
Also i play pvp since the 1st ptr patch, so obviosly experience, personal skill and gear/skill setup helps. I have different gear build against different opponents - sometimes i need 3 k dps more than 3 k life. Sometimes 1 skills is useless,but other time is perfect in my skill build. You need to analize the opponenet and build proper skills/gear setup.

Euro, the main reason that me and Vimer are on top places is that we have experience - we play since the very begining of the brawling. Also Vimer is 18-0 cuz he is best in skill and gear. Yes,he defeated Mokkal without using WotB. But what if a wizard with similar gear like Vimer join the league? Or WD ? Id like to see fighting you and Vimer (or Blud vs Vimer) since you were on same gear lvl.
Yes, blizzard totaly failed with the last patch skils changes.
And and i dont complain! I just say that DH have their op rapid fire - do you saw what rapid fire is doing to barbs with auto aim rockets and 2 sec disable from passive? I can asure this is a ton of dmg for 1.5 sec.

This is bullshit !!! Mr. Mag, this is not serios proposal. Barb vs DH rend with ravage banned? And how is supose barbs to hunt DH? This is absurd. And the new rapid fire is pretty op so war cry with all runes is NESECARY against similar geared/skilled opponent.
Also all other bans are too much and not nesecary. Seriosly. Banning shout against wizards??? HOHOHO, green omg, dude, have you played with barb against similar geared wizard?  I asure you, if you play it, you will want even WotB allowed since wizard's mega disable. And shout against monks.
And all other classes. DH vs wizard so nurfed, why? It is nesecary? WD should be able to use haunt against DH with rune 2 sec.
And as Vimer said about WD vs Barb.

PLS, take a serios look on rulz, becouse until now they are not correct ( yes, a big thx really for them, indeed you try to balance it).

News / Re: Awards and cooperation with loothunter
« on: May 25, 2013, 23:50:48 pm  »
Sounds good
But we need to rework some rulz like Barb vs DH. Since the buff of rapid fire, similar geared barb and dh with similar skill the favor is for dh. So barb need full defense ( sometimes war cry + shout, rapid fire makes a lot dmg now).
Also still think WotB no rune Insanity would be good against wizards.
And agaisnt the big problem - WD. Banning firebats doesnt resolve the problem. ( dont look at Vimer, pls)

Community information and announcements / Re: US & EU D3CL Season #2
« on: May 20, 2013, 01:48:55 am  »
I think gonna be good some promotion about the league in sites. 41 players is like nothing compared to 300+ 1st season.

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BlackRain , 2006 by Crip
Diablo 3 PvP, Diablo 3 PvP

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