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Messages - N0F3aR

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Community information and announcements / Re: D3CL is looking for judges
« on: April 13, 2013, 11:16:45 am  »
I really think we need more judges on the league since the only 1 who i know is my mate Lilth and so far he is playing mostly SC2. So if you dont have proper aplications maybe you could invite for example top 5 players from 1st season to be judges or players that are online a lot of time. Becouse duelz are playing 24/7.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 12, 2013, 17:37:54 pm  »
Want to give Barb vs Wizard feedback:
  After fighting different wizzards (non official matchs - practise and tryouts) i could say that i found 1 decent who knows how to play against barb - shadow88#2663. He plays on d3cl test league and as we can see he beated all barbs. I myself couldnt find build to beat him without war cry/double stun and wotb. He is using some kind of heavvy disable. When i use war cry and double stun - the fight is balanced (no wotb). I mean i am not op against that build using war cry and double stun. The winner of the fight is the one who outplays the other player. We made like 1 hour + brawling and we were on close fight. Ratio wins is like 60/40% (55/45%) for me but in the moment i make mistake and i am dead. Maybe the same goes for him. We had like 5 min fight - that means we were on balanced duel.
  So as we can see, war cry and double stun build is nesecary against decent and experienced wizard, who knows the weakness of barbs and knows how to play against them. Didnt try Wotb. Once i have time, i will try Wotb without war cry/double stun against him and give more feedback.
Thx for the time.

League information / Re: PTR League formula
« on: April 11, 2013, 18:26:39 pm  »
PTR is bugged so war cry is banned?
Dude? - if ptr is bugged we need war cry more than ever :D. We go fight with 0 protection.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 11, 2013, 15:03:38 pm  »
Forgive KHNO for his words, he is just too emotional player (a famous singer in real life). He care about the game and pvp, just sometimes has a problem with some barbs :) . But we all have a problems against diff classes, isnt it?

League information / Re: PTR League formula
« on: April 11, 2013, 13:35:59 pm  »
ELITE DMG Reduce dont work on PTR in the brawling area. That means every class take much more dmg from hits compared to the real server. So any match,rulz etc are sensless. Especially mele heroes take like 3 times more dmg - maybe this is some kind of bug and i hope Blizzard soon fix it. Then we could test. Anyway i think 1 league no rulz ( i mean no banned skills) could be good.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 10, 2013, 20:17:18 pm  »
Iria, could you pls stop asking for nurfing barbs. Its obvious that this is not nesecary move since no barb can beat Mystical even with war cry. I think the problem is not the barb and his EHP but you and your game play. This is not offend, i faced on  PTR a DH that could killed me with 2-3 impales (80-90k life gone per hit) - dh with new set. The fight was pretty close and i beat him cuz i outplayed him. So maybe you need to outplay the Barb, not asking for nurfs. War cry is needed with all his runes.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 10, 2013, 12:47:58 pm  »

actually u have a very easy counter; juggernaut

It seems you never faced top wd like Blud,Ivu,Euro. Jugger wont help since you need that passive spot for defansive ability that gives you some protection. And jugger gives 20% cc reduction + heal chance,but i asure that this 15% heal is nothing against decent wd.And as already told,you need 100% cc reduction,no stacking like 50%.

Rules & development / Re: Wizard storm armor
« on: April 09, 2013, 16:33:45 pm  »
Wizzards are already weak as they are. Let them have all the skills they want. Non wizzard has ever reached top league position..

This is not cuz wizard is bad class for pvp!!! In true - i am sure wizard can reach top spots without nurfing the other classes.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 09, 2013, 16:31:49 pm  »
After testing new rulz ( test league + a lot of other non official fights) here is my feedback.
  - Barb vs DH - I think no nerf is needed. DH improve their skill like everyday. So war cry is nesecary. To the DH that still think Barbs are op - you can guys watch Mystical's video. You will learn a lot.
  - Barb vs Wizard - Ok,against some Wizards its ok even without war cry and WotB. But against good wizards i face that problem : Wizard goes for mass disable with crit mass. I mean even his mirrors stun and frost me. + ray of frost slow me for 60% of my ms so even with Marathon I hardly move. Also he has like no cd since his passive crit mass. I tried different builds to counter this, but didnt found proper one. The solution was WotB (and it is). Blizzard gave to barbs a chance to survive such disable ( like in 95% of the time). So maybe allow WotB or ban crit mass should be ok. Or at least that images to not be able to stun and frost. Also its obvious that shout cannot replace war cry since Wizard remove it like np.
  - Barb vs WD - Same as against Wizards. Against decent WD is annoying - they use echo fury + horrify and its going insane. That double fear effect makes almost impossible to hurt him seriosly. Maybe allowing WotB here is good choice. Cuz i dont have any other skill that counter horrify and echo fury. And cc reduciton is not working.
  - Barb vs Monk - Balanced fight. You need to outplay the opponent.
! If you think i am wrong - pls explain me why and give me some contructive feedback. Example : Don't say - find a proper buld against wizards but tell what is this build. How i could counter 99% disable without using WotB. I am open for disccus and tryouts. N0F3aR#2714


Rules & development / Re: Monk vs Barb balance
« on: April 06, 2013, 03:52:05 am  »
   Ask Tomas if he has "mega" problems with barbs. And Sin. Since Tomas can kill and beat every barb in EU server, no balance is needed. Even when barb is high ended geared, high ended geared monk can kill him. If you have some problems - contact  Tomas. Maybe he will help you. Cuz monk vs barb is balanced fight. When gear is similar, you need to outplay the other opponent. What you say here in this topic is not true. You just didnt found the correct way if you think that this is true.
   But ofc, you can now nurf barb against monk as well against dh and wizard. Why not? Barbs are OP, Mega Imba, SO powerfull, they need to be nurfed into the ground. I bet soon some will ask " Pls, ban barb's mainhand weapon(2hander), his rend 1 shoot me, pls, im on 50k life with 300 resist and he plays better than me, pls lets at least he cant hurt me"
   I have 1 question - do you know how hard is for barbs to find decent pieces for PVP? Cuz is not i have gold ill get the item. 2-3 decent items per mounth are on ah. Needs not only gold, but time for searching the right item.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 02, 2013, 15:39:44 pm  »
I saw here a post for more nerfing barbs (seems war cry and wotb is not enough). Posts like " ban inspiring pressence" or reduce barb's ehp are just madness. You guys rly should think about improve at 1st time your skill,build or gear. Or all of them.
And pls, STOP ASKING for NURFING BARBS, cuz this is totaly absurd. Yeah, ban ispiring pressence against Monks. OMG. The monk said that should definetly improve his gear and skill. And take a look over his opponents. If barb is both end game geared and skilled player, ofc you will not beat him with sss and 1hit from wave of light.
Also for all DH that cry non stop "Nurf barbs now even more, war cry is not enough" - go and watch Mystical's video against barb. His eu DH has medium-high gear (about 800 mil) so im sure most of you can allow that gold. He is killing with 140-150 k unbuff dps.

Judge board / Lyzon#2326 - abusing the rulz + not finishing the fight
« on: March 30, 2013, 01:17:38 am  »
He is a monk with skorn, i am a barb. Score 3-0 for me. We start 4 round. We fight each other. After those 1st hits im loosing like 80k life . I have already used Ingor pain an that ability is on cd. I am waithing for cd of Ingor pain. I got it up, enter fight and kill him. And he saying - you are avoiding fight. Is avoiding fight to wait for cd of your main defansive ability? No barb will fight monk without ingor pain active while monks can activate sss and wave of light. He says after the round - you wait to regen life and then fight. I waited for ignor pain up, and yes - i have 4k life regen per second - that means for 23sec cd of Ignor pain i regen 92k life. Finnaly he left the game in result 4-0 for me. Im not for the score, but 1st time i face such a player and rly hope to be my last. He lost my time and my posibility to have fun in other duels.
    What is important here is to be very cleared said  what is the meaning of active combat and what is avoiding combat. Cuz waiting for cd and regenerate life and then fighting is what every class do - dh with preparation, barb with ignor pain, monks with serenty and etc.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: March 25, 2013, 12:17:55 pm  »
Forti, you are just undeargeared.( this is not offense) Take a look over monks like Sin, Tomas then speak about banning barbs skills. Also you think everything is gear but i will tell you that is not true. Gear and skills is like 50/50 or lets says is 60/40. Pls do not speak about banning skills, when you are medium paragon lvls and megium gear and facing some1 with a lil be higher stats.

What is we have to do, when some1 from enemy team doesnt come?

 I want to tell something.
Maybe for being 1 tournament succesfull there has to be some reward for the winners or top3. And sign up should be open not 3-4 hours before the tournament. That is just an idea

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