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Messages - Yavyred

Pages: [1]
No interest showed on the item, so its going to auction house with 0 starting bid.;)

Im selling this SShield to the highest bidder untill 22h00m GMT+1, 7/7/2013
No buy out, battletag FRA#2491
Bid min increments of 5m
Bid here or add me ingame with bid on friend request.
Gl with pvp!

ye i will be online, doesnt look like u added me tho

The chest is yours forti, add me to claim it FRA#2491

Equivalent chests are extremelly overpriced on the auction house right now.
Im selling this chest to the highest bidder untill 18h00m GMT+1, 9/6/2013
Buyout is 240m, battletag FRA#2491
Bid here or add me ingame with bid on friend request.
Gl with pvp!

League information / Re: Problems with matches and scores
« on: April 07, 2013, 18:52:23 pm  »
I was innactive on the course of 2 days maximum as im away building my wd.
I couldnt find anything written on the post -    Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion] about how much time u have to answear back or what is considered innactivity.

League information / Re: Problems with matches and scores
« on: April 07, 2013, 15:46:26 pm  »
Hello everyone, my forum name is Yavyred but im FRA#2491

Today i logged in the d3cl website and i found i had a lost match against shadow88#2663 with the score of 0-5.
Im here to say that this game never took place neither ive submited any score like that. So, this makes me believe that this person has some control over the website and also that the league is compromised and corrupt.
Id like u to tell me that im wrong bcs i do enjoy pvp.

I recall a conversation i had yday ingame with i dont know who, ill assume it was shadow88#2663.
This guy is polish and he doesnt speak neither understands english (and has control over the website and is corrupting the league).
The conversation went something along the lines of:
him- d3cl duel?
me- hey, im sry to tell u but im in the process of selling all my barbarian gear since im making the switch to witchdoctor, the character i intend to play in pvp.
him- training wd?
me- no, i didnt enroll with my wd on the league yet since its not geared or rdy for that.

I hope u soon delete this unexisting match from the training league and have a propper talk to this polish teenager who doesnt speak or understands english.
Im at the moment getting my wd rdy to start pvping with it, i enjoy this website and the pvp league. I think theres no other so i dont want to make a negative campaign against it. In case this situation does not get corrected, me and couple of friends, who joined d3cl bcs of me, will leave and ill open threads on renoun d3 websites exposing what happened here.

Ty for your attention and sorry for such a long post.
Im sorry also for a bit of a provocative language but, besides personal reputation witch i dont care much about as im with a poor result of 7-7 on the training league, i care about JUSTICE and FAIRPLAY. I care about you all who pvp and i care about not letting the only pvp league on d3 be a sad joke.

League information / Re: Problems with matches and scores
« on: April 01, 2013, 00:11:39 am  »
Im talking after reminding and telling ppl to submit the score, after ignoring moderator posts etc...

League information / Re: Problems with matches and scores
« on: March 31, 2013, 23:40:24 pm  »
Hello again, i want to bump this thread since u said the problems with matches would be fixed and mine wasnt. Look up to the screenshot. PostMortem doesnt answear to me, he is in silence after a 5-0. We didnt even argue or anything. It looked like a nice fight, he just doesnt submit score.

I suggest that after 24h without a score the player should be banned from the league and start with -100 points on the next event.
Ps: On the website account creation there should be a parameter asking ppl if they speak at least average english. Without it its almost impossible to solve any kind of problem that can occur.

Ty, im out!

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: March 30, 2013, 18:33:37 pm  »
ofc, else he would just not say go until the cooldown is rdy. like that he is only saving u time!

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: March 30, 2013, 15:19:55 pm  »
I agree with taking out dumb/automatic skills like storm armor out of the dueling equation!

As a barb i felt a big disadvantage giving extra +20%dmg to wizzards and demon hunters for free, since we cant use warcry..
Games that used to be easy victories became impossible nightmares ;p

League information / Re: Problems with matches and scores
« on: March 30, 2013, 13:40:05 pm  »
Hello, looks like my opponent "forgot" to submit score.

1v1 D3CL League - new rules test EU - PostMortem#2184 vs FRA#2491
Challenge date: 2013-03-29 20:11:15
Submitted score
PostMortem#2184   0   :   5   FRA#2491

Here is the screenshot;

Pages: [1]

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