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Messages - ricebowl

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Community information and announcements / Re: US & EU D3CL Season #2
« on: May 15, 2013, 23:17:07 pm  »

-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Cyclone Strike” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Dashing Strike” is not allowed.
-   In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Fists of Thunder" with rune “Thunderclap” is not allowed.


Rules & development / Re: Inspiring presence for 1.08
« on: April 24, 2013, 03:18:34 am  »
Blue post TL;DR:

Inspiring Presence is going back to 2% but with AoE effect (no effect in PVP).

However, I think the Brooding and Blood Ritual bonuses are going to be 2% still. You guys think that is ok? Or do we need to ban those skills? (I don't use brooding anyways with my playstyle.)

Those skills may prove to be overpowered with shields.  Can you imagine a WD built the same way as a barb with the 2% life regen?  They won't need to get into range to rend anymore, just haunt/spider/barrage from 2 screens away while laughing off damage.  Remember, they also have 30% damage reduction in PvP, so they can be almost just as tanky as top-end barbs.

One thing is for certain, monks are definitely getting shafted this patch.

Rules & development / Inspiring presence for 1.08
« on: April 22, 2013, 02:02:52 am  »
Since there is little chance of the inspiring presence buff for 1.08 being canceled, I figured it's probably a good idea to make a separate thread for it so it doesn't clutter up the main rules thread.  Whining about Blizzard not caring about PvP doesn't help anyone.

My current suggestion is to only allow inspiring presence or ignore pain but not both equipped at same time.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 20, 2013, 04:51:26 am  »
The only thing I can think of is only allowing inspiring presence OR ignore pain.  Yeah barbs will clamor that they need both to blah blah blah but you seriously can't have both and expect a healthy competitive environment.  This is the best solution I've thought of so far.  It's harsh, but something drastic needs to be done.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 20, 2013, 04:44:10 am  »
Instead of hoping for a miracle that the developers will implement PvP restrictions in brawling, why don't we come up with our own solutions?  They don't care about PvP at this point.  It's foolish to think otherwise. 

You have to deal with this issue by yourself.  You cannot rely on the developers for this.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 19, 2013, 22:45:42 pm  »
There's 2 options if you want PvP to prevail:

1.  Ban inspiring presence.  This will nerf barbs hard across the board vs. every class.

2.  Don't ban inspiring presence and instead impose an HP limit or EHP limit of some sort.  This means restricting gear.  This is basically unfeasible due to the huge backlash by wealthy players and will be extremely difficult to enforce since the limits will be arbitrary.  You're basically punishing people for having good gear which is counter-intuitive.

Or, of course, leave it alone and watch everyone but barbs quit playing.

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 19, 2013, 02:21:12 am  »
It just blows my mind.  In just 12 seconds, a barb will regenerate almost half of his HP.  In 25 seconds, a barb will regenerate 100% of his max HP with inspiring presence.  This is WITHOUT any regeneration gear or skills.

With enough gear, I just don't see how you can lose with this amount of regen.  At 150k hp, a barb will regenerate 6,000 hp per second from this passive. 

Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 19, 2013, 02:14:20 am  »
I know this is only on the PTR for now, but since they are not balancing around PvP, I don't see this following change being canceled:

Inspiring Presence The duration of your shouts is doubled. After using a shout you and all allies within 50 yards regenerate 4% of your maximum Life per second for 60 seconds. / Your shouts are: / *Battle Rage / *Threatening Shout / *War Cry

Inspiring presence just got DOUBLED.  Ban inc for league?

How do you know they blizzard is buffing Inspiring presence? And no, inspiring pressence is vital for barb on pvp. Actually barb cannot play without it. So banning inspiring pressence means all > barb.

My bad for not linking the source, it's datamined info from a future 1.08 build that hasn't made it to PTR yet:


Rules & development / Re: Ruleversion 1.2.6 [Open Discussion]
« on: April 19, 2013, 01:45:16 am  »
I know this is only on the PTR for now, but since they are not balancing around PvP, I don't see this following change being canceled:

Inspiring Presence The duration of your shouts is doubled. After using a shout you and all allies within 50 yards regenerate 4% of your maximum Life per second for 60 seconds. / Your shouts are: / *Battle Rage / *Threatening Shout / *War Cry

Inspiring presence just got DOUBLED.  Ban inc for league?

News / Re: The end of mirrors and test leagues
« on: April 18, 2013, 03:34:43 am  »
im saying that is harder and harder to attract players :P

It's hard to attract players when you need tons and tons of gear with no real rewards for competing.  It's just a very niche thing to do in D3.

General discussion / Re: ubbers mp10 magda SOLO under 4min
« on: April 11, 2013, 21:36:40 pm  »
Some one sounds frustrated xD

Didnt made the video to bother you.....try to dont look at it...

take care and love you too!

Then maybe you shouldn't have come to my youtube channel and spam me your crappy videos for no reason at all.

General discussion / Re: ubbers mp10 magda SOLO under 4min
« on: April 11, 2013, 00:13:50 am  »
LOL you're the guy that spammed my wave of light ubers video?  How sad.  But I guess it makes sense given your obnoxious post history on these boards looking for attention everywhere you go.

I also don't know how you can say this is an answer to what I did when I soloed all 3 ubers in a row without dying.  You only soloed one encounter. 

Rules & development / Re: Monk vs Barb balance
« on: April 06, 2013, 19:42:18 pm  »
I really doubt Viri can beat Tbone and Zee, why don't these godly monks play league so we can see some facts instead of only rumors.
i stacked all physical resist gear and barely any all res to beat zee and tbone. viri has figured it out you should too

Yeah maybe that works, WHEN YOU'RE A BARB YOURSELF. Viri can stack high resists because he swaps to double lpss/sp/s weapons and spams mantra to outheal some of the dot ticks. League monks can't weaponswap and have no way to outheal a crit rend, even when stacking resists, all we can do is go full dps.

I can vouch for Viri gear swapping like a madman when I dueled him.

Rules & development / Re: Monk vs Barb balance
« on: April 06, 2013, 04:01:30 am  »
   Ask Tomas if he has "mega" problems with barbs. And Sin. Since Tomas can kill and beat every barb in EU server, no balance is needed. Even when barb is high ended geared, high ended geared monk can kill him. If you have some problems - contact  Tomas. Maybe he will help you. Cuz monk vs barb is balanced fight. When gear is similar, you need to outplay the other opponent. What you say here in this topic is not true. You just didnt found the correct way if you think that this is true.
   But ofc, you can now nurf barb against monk as well against dh and wizard. Why not? Barbs are OP, Mega Imba, SO powerfull, they need to be nurfed into the ground. I bet soon some will ask " Pls, ban barb's mainhand weapon(2hander), his rend 1 shoot me, pls, im on 50k life with 300 resist and he plays better than me, pls lets at least he cant hurt me"
   I have 1 question - do you know how hard is for barbs to find decent pieces for PVP? Cuz is not i have gold ill get the item. 2-3 decent items per mounth are on ah. Needs not only gold, but time for searching the right item.

TLDR: I'm too dumb to give a real response discussing actual balance and instead just throw out anecdotes with a dash of sarcasm in the middle and a hint of victimization at the end.

Rules & development / Re: Monk vs Barb balance
« on: April 06, 2013, 03:38:56 am  »
I'm hesitant to suggest any rules because it seems to me the overall balance of monk vs barb is actually quite stable when factoring in players from all gear budgets.  I do think their defense outscales monk damage greatly at very high gear levels if they spec properly.  However, you can't make blanket rules for an entire matchup based off of one gear bracket.

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