After having duelled fairly much against some of the absolute best pvp geared players around, I've arrived at the following:
FoT - Thunderclap
BoH - +15% dmg
Serenity - Ascension : the reflect dmg rune can take out some glasscannon dh's but it's very hard to use, requires RNG and is too situational imo.
MoE - rune that reduces dmg taken when under 20% hp or so (i have +3.5 sp/s from gear, if i didnt, i'd use MoH-Circular)
SSS - with the teleport rune : the only spell in our arsenal that can reliably take out good dh's
Blinding Flash - Faith in the Light : This spell has been MVP for me against DH's since it stuns them even when they're in smokescreen, then when SS ends, they're still in same spot blinded and you can easily kill them. Also against tougher opponents like barbs/monkswith some practice you can tell when they've used up their defensive cooldowns and are open to big damage, then BF+SSS is nuts
Near Death Experience : This combined with the MoE rune above makes it very hard to die, and by the time this this spell procs, you usually have serenity and/or BoH or SSS up again to heal to full
Beacon of Ytar : affects Serenity, BoH, SSS, Blinding Flash....too much value to pass up