A few quiestions:
1. "Actively using this island will result in loss of rounds and/or the complete match." - if 1 player run to island, and run back it's allowed? If player stay there to reset CD and hide from opponent - it's allowed?
"Actively" means that players just cannot camp there or go there at all?
2. "We expect the duels to be active combat. Repeatingly avoiding the duel will result in a loss." - if I buy legacy nat, attack from impale and jump->jump->jump and always in 60 minutes I will hold 30-40 meters range from opponent - is this "Avoiding fight"? If yes: what will you do with hit&run barbs playing like this?
3. "Vanishing Dye is not allowed." - any explanation for this rule? This rule should be only for Monks, because other players don't know if they use immortality or no, but why on all classes? Really need I to wear this ugly natalya helmet?

4. "The winner of the duel must stay in screen from opponent once won." - I have no idea what that means, explanations pls:(
5. "In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” and the “Wizard” the skill “War cry” is not allowed to be used." - currently no non-legacy DH can kill good barb, I'm not sure if this rule will help with balance, but we gonna test it on tournament. In your tests ANY non-legacy DH killed barb? Maybe this nerf + ban swapping gear will help. I wrote many posts in 1.2 thread about differences in legacy and non-legacy DH vs Barbs, but now I see that you didn't make anything with it. You said that you don't want to force ppl to change items, but without different rules for legacy and non-legacy set all non-legacy DH must regear ;/
6. "In duels versus the “Monk” the skill “Impale” with rune “Chemical Burn” is not allowed." - not sure about this rule. If Monk use his companion we must go close to him and he can kill us. Without Chemical Burn it will be impossible to kill Monk in 1 rush, so again non-legacy DH are affected because they don't have dyscypline to make more then 2-3 rushes on Monk at close range, but legacy DH can all time attack->if dodge run->attack again. Non-legacy DH don't have this possibility.
7. "In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Companion” is not allowed." - again I'm not sure about this rule: without companion I cannot rush enemy because they hit by 130-150k dmg from storm armor, so this rule will result in wearing max ress and shooting from long distance, and AGAIN non-legacy DH are affected - because we cannot rush duels will take longer but we don't have enough dyscypline to defend from storm armor all the time and legacy can jump and use SS whole duel.
In general: you made a lot of good work guys, really! As a d3cl player I appreciate it.Just please consider 2 different DH playstyles with legacy and non-legacy sets. tl;dr from this playstyles: non-legacy have more DPS and EHP and he win if he kill opponent in short time, before his dyscypline will end. Legacy DH have less DPS and EHP but they can fight a lot of time, they can kite, dodge, attack many times. In some matches this 2 sets make a lot of difference.
My proposition:
1. DH vs Monk:
a) legacy DH vs Monk - legacy DH have less DPS and EHP, but they can attack and run many times. They must hold long distance all they time, so skill "Companion" in Monk (to allow a DH attack from a distance) and "Chemical Burn" in DH should be not allowed.
b) non-legacy DH vs Monk - non-legacy DH can rush Monk 2-3 times before end of dyscypline. Banning our only one good dota will results with BIG nerf of non-legacy DH, we will be unable to kill Monk before our dyscypline will end. All skill allowed here (Companion because good Monk will hide behind Companion from DH shots from long distance, and if DH is close he must have chemical burn to have any chance to kill monk in this 1-2 rushes).
I played only a few duels with legacy set, so legacy DH please explain if I'm wrong here.
2. DH vs barbs:
a) legacy DH vs barb - can kite and shoot from distance all the time.
b) non-legacy DH vs barb - cannot kite and shoot from distance all the time, but his hits are stronger.
Making only 1 rule for DH vs barb will result in:
- facilitate the fight for legacy DH,
- MAYBE non-legacy DH will be able to kill barb.
This duel is the most important in defferences between legacy and non-legacy DH, because fightning with barb requires continuous kiting. If barb will survive 2/3/4 rushes on non-legacy DH he have 100% win because our dyscypline end. In matchup with non-legacy DH barb must be nerfed more, but I have no idea how, banning sprint or inspiring presence is impossible, but I'm sure that we must do something with this duel.
3. DH vs Wizz:
- legacy nat can't use Companion - they can attack from distane and run from storm armor range all the time.
- non-legacy DH can use Companion (maybe without rune "Boar" - other companions are more easy to kill and this skill have 30s cd, so Wizz can rush us after killing companion in 30s) - non-legacy DH will be out of dyscypline after 1-2 rushes and wizzards are masters in running with illusion and other skills, so we must have companion to have possibility to rush wizzards.
I hope that dev team will consider DH playstyles with different sets after tournament, because
as you said you don't want to force ppl to regear.