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Author Topic: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion  (Read 54736 times)


  • The Lord of Sparrowhawks
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Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« on: September 24, 2013, 10:22:51 am »

go on :)


  • Kabraxis
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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2013, 13:15:24 pm »

Mr Mag :
There is one very big problem Barb vs Monk : TR monks. This can be 3 hours fight and if i want to not be like this, i have to go more dmg and less ehp and that leads to like easy kills for monks. WHY ? Let me tell what monks are doing : Taking Spirit regen and non stop abusing TR - hoping for crit with bell and then running. If they take crit rend - serenity and then run until serenity is over. THe last match with Mazarini for d3cl he was running without fighting like 2-3 mins per round several times in that round.And cuz i didnt want to lose such time i went more offensive and i lost. I can easily counter TR stalemate build - ill take high ehp + 2 defansive skills and abusing sprint and Monk wont kill me. So - find a solution about that. Variants :
1. Monk and Barb have to engage each other every 10 sec.
2. Some TR restrictions.
3. Since no wotb, we may play and no TR.


  • The Lord of Sparrowhawks
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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2013, 13:27:05 pm »

if i'm not wrong, it's a barb style, isn't it? :) stalemates are a problem for sure, not only in this particular duel. changing gear or build by both sides probably won't finish with the consent.


  • Kabraxis
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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2013, 16:53:39 pm »

Did you understand me ? Monk is hitting 1 time then run 2 mins. Is that fight ok? Lets do something


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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2013, 19:36:28 pm »

if i'm not wrong, it's a barb style, isn't it? :) stalemates are a problem for sure, not only in this particular duel. changing gear or build by both sides probably won't finish with the consent.

The Problem is not the fact that Monks run away when their skills are on CD or their life is low. Every class does that. The big difference here, and thats the real Problem, is that the barb has absolutely no way to finish off the wounded Monk. When the Monk is running away and is not completely retarded u will hardly get any hit of on him as barb since he runs faster than u do und u only have short range attacks. Getting a crit rend which is needed to bring him down is even less likely, getting 2 crit rends within 30 seconds (he will just cancel the first with serenity) is Close to impossible. Thats like a wd trying to finish a sprinting barb with firebats -> wont work.


  • Iskatu
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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2013, 21:00:17 pm »

I had yesterday a long discussion with Bleed and Error about Barb vs DH.

--->>> What about Barbs that engage a DH only if "Ignore pain" is rdy?
The most just chicken around pillars till it´s up again, then try to set up a rend and chicken again.
We are forced to chase and rush a Barb like hell, eating rends to be able hitting him.
It´s realy a pain in the ass...
We don´t realy would have a problem with this, but the discipline regeneration of a DH 1/s..... is just a joke.
We need it to negate dmg, to chase the barb, to run from the barb..

Any ideas to solve this problem?


  • Kabraxis
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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2013, 22:51:27 pm »

Blizzard - reduce dmg of rapid fire and increase dmg of impale. Vs DH like GTXit i can engage only with ignor pain, other side im dead in 2 sec even with 200k life + 31% elite dmg reduce.


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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2013, 03:54:28 am »

Have you guys tried weapon throw against TR monks?


  • Iskatu
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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2013, 14:40:50 pm »

Blizzard - reduce dmg of rapid fire and increase dmg of impale. Vs DH like GTXit i can engage only with ignor pain, other side im dead in 2 sec even with 200k life + 31% elite dmg reduce.

We can wait years till Blizz buffs Impale. Maybe we should work with the curent situation.
I don´t like this Rapid fire gaming, and would be glad being able to play oldschool style again.
What about to weaken the defensive of Barbs a bit more vs Impale? No relentless maybe?
Any other Ideas maybe?


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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2013, 09:38:05 am »

Ok, Season 4 time.

These are balances coming from a Wizard. I only play Wizard and cannot fully comment on how another class would cope with these balances but I will try so please correct me if I am wrong in any part.

Wizard vs Witch Doctor:

- Blood Ritual Passive Banned
- Hex Banned
- Haunt Banned

My argument for the ban of Blood Ritual: It allows them to play extremely defensive and stack no gear based Health Regeneration or Extra Health to Potions. Without Blood Ritual a WD would be essentially as limited as a Wizard in aspects of Life Regeneration. (While Wizard has Galvanizing Ward (620 LPS), and Sparkflint Vigoron (620 LPS) these Passives/Skills are not ideal and not used). This will allow a much more fair fight in my opinion.

My argument for the ban of Hex. With Plague Bats allowed the Witch Doctor will still be able to deal great damage but must be more cautious and use positioning more to their advantage. The Wizard will be able to get in closer to the Witch Doctor without such a fear of an almost assured death. The Witch Doctor still has Horrify as well so this allows them to still have great Crowd Control and defensive capabilities.

My argument for the ban of Haunt. A Witch Doctor can abuse this DOT so well and gain a huge advantage from across the map with no threat to the user. Especially to Wizards because it forces us to use our Mirror Image only to have haunt recast upon us.

I believe this is the most fair option to Wizards and Witch Doctors alike. It gives the Witch Doctor many options (Firebats, Horrify, Spirit Barrage, etc.) while giving the Wizard more chance to wittle the Witch Doctor down. It becomes more of a game of positioning than imbalance in my opinion.

Wizard vs Barbarian:

- Wrath of the Beserker Banned.

My argument for the ban of WOTB. WOTB with 24 Movement Speed is near impossible to evade from due to the invulnerability of Crowd Control Effects. While a Wizard with skill has a chance to live out WOTB it is highly in the Barbarians favor which is why I recommend banning this skill.

Wizard vs Demon Hunter:

- Aid Station Banned.
- Thrill of the Hunt Banned.

My argument for the Aid Station ban. I believe Aid Station is a little too strong and allows the Demon Hunter too much non gear based regeneration. A Demon Hunter already has Preparation - Battlescars and potions which give the Demon Hunter many healing abilities. This ban would allow both classes to play more aggressively and discourage "Camping".

My argument for the ban of Thrill of the Hunt. Rapid Fire itself is very strong but not "OP" in my opinion. When in conjunction with Thrill of the Hunt however the Wizards evasion is useless to the 3 second of Rapid Fire which is going to hit the Wizard. In my opinion this Passive is definitely too strong vs Wizard and also it promotes active gameplay.

Wizard vs Monk:

- Serenity Banned.

My argument for the Serenity Ban. While this ban sounds ridiculous at first I know, let me explain. When a Monk gets onto a Wizard and stuns them, we can safely say we are going to instantly drop to Unstable Anomoly. Unstable Anomoly causes a knockback effect which a monk in Serenity will not be affected by. This allows them to attack right through the Wizard and instant kill us. Without Serenity it would allow the Wizard much more chance to get away from the instant death that the monk deals. Take for example Witch Doctor vs Monk. Even the tankiest of Witch Doctors cannot tank a Monk. But when they get to Spirit Vessel they are automatically allowed to run away from the monk. Where as Wizards are rooted to the ground and is an easy target for the Monk. Without Serenity the Monk still has great teleportation abilities that even if Unstable Anomoly knocked them back, they would be right back on the Wizard to finish the kill. This ban is much easier than the ban of numerous stun skills in my opinion.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 10:02:43 am by Saltydog »


  • Kabraxis
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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2013, 14:12:27 pm »

1 question - when season is about to finish and what is the prize pool. And again - go promote the season and change some rules ( especially wd vs barb ) to no rules or "Barb is not allowed to use WotB and rune Marathon of sprint, WD cant use hex and fear"
And some time restriction for barb vs tr monk - like 10 sec engage time.


  • Kabraxis
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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2013, 12:42:24 pm »

Seriosly, some answers?


  • Zagraal
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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2013, 14:25:22 pm »

No one cares about you and you stupid politic... As i see


  • Iskatu
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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2013, 14:33:50 pm »

No one cares about you and you stupid politic... As i see

The only one person, who´s talking non-constructive bullshit here on forums, are you Forti.
Since you don´t play in the league, no one cares about you  ??? ?
Nofear is asking about a buff for WD vs Barb, and talks about balancing Monk vs Barb. Since this is a rule propposal thread, it´s very ok what he says. Promotion is also a very good question, if we don´t want to stay at the down of 10 active players.....
If you don´t have to say something that helps the community, keep closed please.

Sorry Vasil, i can´t help here with a answer, since i play only DH in PvP..
Maybe we should talk ingame with Lelik, Mazarini, Sin about this, and hear what they got to say.
Also if we get more active players, the league should provide playoffs of the best 16! <--- Very important in my eyes!
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 14:41:27 pm by KNHO »


  • Zagraal
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Re: Rules proposal for the 4th season - open discussion
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2013, 20:05:05 pm »

D3 pvp community was never exist. Not because of players... So.. No point to fight.
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