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Author Topic: trade section  (Read 31000 times)


  • Gotrek Gurnisson
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Re: trade section
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2012, 02:02:30 am »

Get real, that wont change a thing, all nations have better places to discuss diablo 3 pve matters, we can back to this when blizz will launch pvp mod, right now its just bollocks. We all know that this will bring just one change : less posts by polish users, but still same amount of posts by other users. Simple as that.

Btw, all important matters are always discussed in english, same goes with moderators board.

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Re: trade section
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2012, 02:31:05 am »

If all nations have better places to discuss about D3 than here, why are there places at all?
But true, due to this forum is used 90% of polish people, they shouldn't pay for that. But changes must happen and there are solutions.


  • Rakanoth
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Re: trade section
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2012, 02:38:04 am »

I personally think that all trade threads and forums should be English with out exception. You don't have to be a language freak (like me) to make simple trades.

Actually there's a discussion on other boards why people don't join your community. Guess what ... it's the language.
Believe it or not, this forum will never succeed as the great european pvp center you are aiming for. Get rid of the polish aftertaste, make one single small polish language forum for your national scene and tell your members to talk english in the english forums. ALSO REMOVE ALL DUPLICATED BOARDS AMONG YOUR LANGUAGE SECTIONS, we dont need 4 general forums in english, german, polish and czech section.

AND OMG, which retarded guy is responsible for the awfully divisioned sections at this board? You'll have to learn much, if you ever want to succeed with this project. Start by examining other successfull boards and how they division their sub-forums.

Pretty disappointed with what you have done, thought you're a team with experience. Doesn't seem so. Sorry to wake you up.

I couldn't agree more. No disrespect to the stuff but you are stuck in old ways. Every forum except Polish one is dead, and don't feed us with that bs that pve something, we're waiting for pvp blaah blaah. By then some people will find another forum that is actually alive. If you don't listen to the community, you won't get far. Open your minds.
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  • Gotrek Gurnisson
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Re: trade section
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2012, 13:07:09 pm »

So start contributing to the community, there is a lot to do. There was an idea of translating d3cl.com to other languages, but no one cares. There is always a lot to do on english website, but no one cares. There is a lot that can be discussed on english boards, but no one gives a fuck.
We have started as polish forum and we have made a long way to be at this point, we are doing our best to make this community live. You just shuffling with more and more ideas, which simply arent working. If we will introduce english only, we will have less posts from polish users and the same amount of posts of other users, because your next idea will be to delete forum base, because foreigners dont feel comfortable with so many polish users and polish posts.

Why pvp will probably change it? Because we have here few hundreds of old school pvp freaks, who mostly dont give a damn about pve, probably there is no other diablo 3 community with so many pvp addicted players. And i don't mean people, who are "farming, grinding and playing some pvp too, coz its fun!" I mean ppl who were playing pvp for 24/7 for last years, some for 5, some for 10, some for 15. We will probably start hosting pvp tournaments asap, we know how to arrange this and this will bring more people to our community. All D3CL matters all already discussed in english only, if we will see that people are getting involved, we might consider english as the only language to discuss about all pvp or even or diablo 3 matters on this forums. But atm it wont change a shit.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 13:09:45 pm by RoGH »


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Re: trade section
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2012, 15:57:56 pm »

There may be other forums in which d3 matters are spoken better than this (my native tongue is english so i have no choice in the matter), but you have to cut through 5 layers of crap posts and total bullshit to get to what you need. Just remember people are not here flaming the hell out of you, although their posts seem harsh, they're trying to help as we all have share a common interest in creating the basis for a better community, and they don't want to see it go down the toilet. Now, I'm sure alot of people are currently prefering spending their time playing the game rather than talking about it, but soon enough you will get more ways of bringing people in i.e. build guides, stratergy guides, farming guides etc etc. Just be patient, rome wasn't built in a day afterall!

Personally I was about average in PvP in relation to those who were the best whilst I played, who bo doubt only peaked once people better than them had moved on also. But that doesn't mean I've not come here to play prior to PvP patch release either.

All you need to remember is the community is built on the members in it, if you're putting (or pissing) people off now then you may loose some assets at the start.

I agree there are still improvements to be made but I don't think you've made a bad start thus far.
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