Duelling & Diablo 3 > General discussion

Initial duel impressions PTR 1.07

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Imo, we'll all have to wait some patchs to have the game playable ^^

We can always just chillax and make some fun tournaments, one-night tours, 2 weeks leagues. There are many options. 1v1, mirrors, 2v2 friendly fire, 1v1v1/v1, naked duels, only-weapon duels, duels wih low dps weapons, LOW LVL DUELS, hc duels also (maybe not that imba with crapy gear).
Something of it will be fun pvp.
Ptr 1.07 is just the beggining, maybe they will change sth before official release (like dmg reduction on pvp), maybe they will change something within next patches (and add a lot, like tvt games, scoreboards, awards&achievments, some guild/clan options, more arenas etc etc etc). Pvp should get better later and if not? We will build a community willing to play on specific rules including some skills/gear restrictions, we will die trying or we will simply rename to LineageEternalClanLeague;)

seriously, it's SO imbalanced..


--- Quote from: Mantas on January 16, 2013, 01:02:34 am ---I just got a crazy idea, to do dueling simply at lower character levels like 50-59 or something, to prevent insta gibs. I dont see any other viable way. At least its not worth time to make rules in a state we have now.

For me D3 is a dead game. I dont play it for like 2 or 3 months now and every single patch/change they make i'm convinced i did right thing. Frankly when i look at this now, trying to make pvp enviroment in pve game when developers said they don't care about pvp is a bit crazy idea.
I'm guessing that tahey didn't relese arenas or other form of pvp simply cos they don't see any reasonable way to give ANY balnace. As someone mentioned earlier in other topic, even flat 90% damge reduction in pvp would still casue 30k-40k hits at some chars.

Itemisation in this game clearly isn't made so we can pvp (even in pve aspect it still suck for me).
My bet it such, that maybe and its maybe after an expansion comes out there will be any way to
do proper pvp. Though tbh i lost my hopes on this game.

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Bad idea, you can get pretty much the same dps of now even if you play lvl 49-59, you can get -req items/weapons such as 12xx dps manticores echoing furies skorns etc so it would just be the same :)

It's always playable right now if you use simple 5-10 (or 100) dmg weapons on those chars. That would surely make it for penalty? :)


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